Suggest a cellphone that logs all calls separately

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Thank you so so much everyone- for taking the time off to help. :)

I have been seriously thinkin of getting a reliable and fast smartphone, esp a WinMo one, for quite sometime now.

Just that i hardly do any smart things with a phone- just receive calls, miss a ton of them and make a few but long calls daily. :ashamed:

Hence kept postponing the purchase as it seemed like a waste of money to be spending on a good phone for a n00b user like me. :ashamed:

I tried using the HTC Touch and the iphone and wasn't very comfortable holding while talking for long.

The HTC Hero i tried at Shripad's place and recently zhopudey's at the TE meet yesterday felt so nice to use- but the affordability for me is ... *cough* *choke* *gasp* ...

So looking for something candy barish and compact.

(Tough choice between qwerty and giving it up for compactness of size- stylus ones are too much to handle for me and hence a big no-no to them)

And is there any Nokia or SE that can do the huge call log thingie too? :stup1:
How about the 5800 XM? Its got a detailed call/data log and wont burn a very deep hole in your pocket too. The touch sensitivity isnt that great though. Try it out before buying.
Please provide proof to your claims

ranjitpai said:
I own a 6600 and it does not log calls separately and only logs 20 calls at a time. The details log is also not of much use.

Also no other symbian phone I have used has this feature (No idea about the new ones)

So your best bet is WinMo's. Their application support is awesome and you can easily install some third party call logging/recording software. :P

Screenshots taken using FExplorer showing 1 month old missed call made from my home on 19 Dec 2009 on my Nokia 6600


Max 30 days (Goto Logs > Settings > Log Duration > Select 30 days)

All calls / sms / gprs sessions have been logged in detail.

They are saved in file called Logdbu.dat in C:\System\Data which can be backed up using a file manager too.

For such a basic function like this, there is no use overspending.
Thank you so so much everyone- for taking the time off to help. :)
I have been seriously thinkin of getting a reliable and fast smartphone, esp a WinMo one, for quite sometime now.

Just that i hardly do any smart things with a phone- just receive calls, miss a ton of them and make a few but long calls daily. :ashamed:

Hence kept postponing the purchase as it seemed like a waste of money to be spending on a good phone for a n00b user like me. :ashamed:
I tried using the HTC Touch and the iphone and wasn't very comfortable holding while talking for long.

The HTC Hero i tried at Shripad's place and recently zhopudey's at the TE meet yesterday felt so nice to use- but the affordability for me is ... *cough* *choke* *gasp* ...
So looking for something candy barish and compact.

(Tough choice between qwerty and giving it up for compactness of size- stylus ones are too much to handle for me and hence a big no-no to them)
And is there any Nokia or SE that can do the huge call log thingie too? :stup1:
Try looking into Nokia E63 seems to be pretty VFM, unless you find one with the Menu bug, lol
@ Bikey
your specific needs can be satisfied by any Nokia Symbian phone.
Even my age old 6630 keeps a detailed log of every call.
you could try used N72, N73

SE Symbian phones are quite costly. P990i, P900i, P1i
WinMo can give you more details ( i guess), but it will cost more and cheaper WinMo phones have pathetic CPU+RAM.
tommy_vercetti said:
Try looking into Nokia E63 seems to be pretty VFM, unless you find one with the Menu bug, lol

What is the menu bug? :ashamed:

I was earlier planning to get an E63 if not an E71- do they have that umlimited and discrete call log thingie?:)
What is the menu bug? :ashamed:

I was earlier planning to get an E63 if not an E71- do they have that umlimited and discrete call log thingie?:)

Google around and you will find some menu related common issues like hanging and unresponsive.

Nokia E63 Hanging problem

i would personally suggest you go for a cheaper way--n70/n72/n73 they will serve you just the way you are looking for. Get used ones of any of them in 3.k - 6k range. Superb call logging and filtering too.
tommy_vercetti said:
Trust me and avoid WinMo phones, Symbian seems to be a better option

Nah, trust me and go for a winmo... Now Bikey's in a dilemma! Whom to trust? Both of us have posted zilch to help him make up his mind :@!

On topic, I seriously don't have any advice :P! I mostly read thru all posts in a thread and such a post from a very old member seemed worthy of my indignation.

@tommy_vercetti, pls do share your discomfiture :)
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