Suggest a download manager for me

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@zhopu : sir stick to IDM, nothing like it. The no. of simultaneous downloads can be selecetd via accessing the scheduler for the queue in question.

Right click the "Main Download queue" folder icon on the left hand side tree control.

Select Edit queue.

There you'll see the "Download <updown control> files simultaneously".

Thats it.
sarang said:
@zhopu : sir stick to IDM, nothing like it. The no. of simultaneous downloads can be selecetd via accessing the scheduler for the queue in question.

Right click the "Main Download queue" folder icon on the left hand side tree control.

Select Edit queue.

There you'll see the "Download <updown control> files simultaneously".

Thats it.

I posted many in this thread but want to further add that it has advanced option in scheduler like open the following file when done (useful for free BSNL/MTNL downloading and set a reboot file script at stop time for pppoe mode), Hang up modem if done (if you are using bridge mode in free hours of MTNL/BSNL), turn off computer (common) and force process to terminate (useful).

IDM rocks for combination of RS and free DL hours (Thats why I have download of 1 TB at least)
Internet Download Manager...
I've been using it for quite a while....
and by the way can you give me link to the RSM xp version????
Flashget. PERIOD

From the time i hit College, and my china friends introduced me to it. It's more or less like an all in one download manager.
zhopudey said:
Need a download manager, mainly for RS files. Stupid RSM is only available for vista. I did find the xp version, but it doesn't work for me.

I have IDM currently, but it doesn't let me set the number of simultaneous downloads.
There's option to set the number of similtenous download. head over to "download" - "option" - "connection" . mention no of connection u wanna set.
i have RS premium account and use IDm. it works well. for free account user, RS doesn't allow number of simeltenous download.
Been using Flashget years before Firefox.

Have tried IDM, FDM, orbit, getright, IDA, wxdownloadfast, DAP (in its early years, don't even think about it now.) firefox's inbuilt DTA.

Other old ones I used in the past NetAnts, NetPumper (both have malware but I have used patched versions.)

Been leeching for years so I have to refine my skills and keep testing new tools. My verdict, Flashget Classic v1.73 (the first free version without the adware and before the new guys added bloat to an excellent piece of software and crapped it) is the best download manager of them all. Though it has fewer optons, it is the leanest, safest and most reliable download manager. Unlike the versions thereafter (i.e. after v1.73), there is no problem of overdownloading with some links and is freeware.

wxdownload fast is also great (and its open source :))

FDM is also good.

You can download RS premium links from all download managers using your RS session cookie string as the referrer and your corresponding user name and password.

The thing I hate about IDM is that first its shareware (that may or may not be an issue for most fellows) and second it takes over the system. Though it dynamic multi part downloading is indeed very fast, it corrupts things (it did for me) after multiple retries, especially if you are on very high or very low speeds.

errr.......plz 4giv me if the question i m going to ask is stupid :ashamed: :ashamed: :ashamed: ...but r u guys talking abt download managers for RapidShare?? (since its RS)..and if it IS RapidShare...r u talking download mangers for Free RS links or for Rapidshare Premium Links........??????????
Balkazzaar said:
errr.......plz 4giv me if the question i m going to ask is stupid :ashamed: :ashamed: :ashamed: ...but r u guys talking abt download managers for RapidShare?? (since its RS)..and if it IS RapidShare...r u talking download mangers for Free RS links or for Rapidshare Premium Links........??????????

RS Premium.
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