Suggest a good router for my needs

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Guys i currently have tp link 740 router ....but the main problem is the range is not enough .....i need a router which can work in repeater mode ( good range) ( the extra range is needed for 1 and half rooms rest is covered with origonal router ) also i wish to attach a hdd (40-80)gb to router so i can store all my data at one point and it could be accessed frommultiple wireless device ....any added feature would be a plus ....
My budget is max upto 2k but can extend a bit if it has some really good features
Any help is appreciated
Buy the ASUS N13 B1 from Flipkart. Also, do check if there are any issues, specifically, with WiFi drops or LED lights issue - might be a case of defective unit.

Also, make this your main router and put the 740N in repeater mode.
Vivek thnx for the reply

How do i put 740 n in repeater mode as there is no repeater mode presenet in 740 n
Hey vivek thnx for all help
I have finally put asus rtn13u b1 as my main router and using tp link 740n in wds repeater

But now I can see status on tp link as wds - run
But I cannot access I nternet when connected thru lan of tp link router
Also I can see mu tp libk router in client list of asus main router
Plz help
Also to add I can access my asus router thru my laptop via lan cable connected to tp link router
Hope I am clear in my problem

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