Monitors Suggest a LED/LCD Monitor @ 5K for my Parents

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I am currently looking for a LED/LCD monitor for my parents to be plugged into a desktop. Budget is around 5k. Currently using a Sammy 15inch CRT :unsure: daily usage is around an hour or 2 max.

Monitor should be able to plug into DVI/VGA port.
Display Text should not be very small, resolution should be good enough to read text under the icon and websites clearly .

Not too particular about HD and stuff, should be able to reproduce good/decent quality pictures and videos, to view pictures and vids of their grandchildren mainly :bleh:

This will be connected to a 5 year old system in my siggy, basically used for skyping, web browsing, MS Office and youtube.

A total noob on this and I have no idea about whats currently available in the market. Any help/suggestion would be appreciated. Planning to buy it within a week. Good Warrantry/A.S.S would be a plus.
If you can spend upto 6k then Dell IN2030M at 6K is your best bet.
Very good at its price.

Suggested even in the TE PC Buying Guide for August by @ALPHA17
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If you can spend upto 6k then Dell IN2030M at 6K is your best bet.
Very good at its price.

Suggested even in the TE PC Buying Guide for August by ALPHA17

Thanks for the suggestion, Dell IN2030M looks good, but I am unable to find it for 6k, Flipkart has it for 6.8k. Link or buytheprice @ 6.3K Link

Anyway/place to get it for <= 6k? 6.8K is a bit of an over stretch for me. what are the other options?

This Dell being an HD monitor would the text size be on the smaller size than a normal CRT monitor at 1024x768 resolution? I am particular about this because my parents cannot read small texts, their eye sight is on the poorer side.

If this monitor is an overkill for them then I can look into other other option too..
I don't know your location, but still the street shops (not online) would be cheaper.

You can always set the DPi/resolution according to your preferences so that the text appears properly as desired.
you could find a lot of decent LED monitors size 18.6" for 4.8 to 6k LED monitors would suit your purpose perfectly because the brightness will be perfect and LED monitors are very slim
I don't know your location, but still the street shops (not online) would be cheaper.

I will be buying this product from Chennai

18.5" sounds better, any significant adv/dis adv of going to 18.5" compared to 20"? How about Benq? is it a good company?
no disadvantages , only the size is different.

Do check out the prices at

They are a store in chennai and have a awesome price list that is frequently updated.

You want a basic monitor so cannot go wrong with DELL,LG,Samsung,Benq (Have seen a lot of people recommending those here on TE)

See the prices (DELL IN2030M listed at 6.3k). So i think prices have increased a bit now.
18.5" - Start from as low as Rs. 5250 . check out the above price list.
Thanks for the link, most of the 18.5" monitors listed are 1366x768 resolution opposed to 20" counterparts with 1600x900.

Does 1366x768 provide significantly lower pic/text quality? also when connecting via VGA does 20" monitors downgrade to 1366x768?
Not significant.
Since with 20" the screen size is more so it needs more pixels to fill in. So higher resolution is required.
you might anyways want to keep a lower resolution to get bigger text size.
But a bigger monitor means you can keep a bigger text size and still have lot of space to work.
I am not sure if I explained it properly,.

1600 X 900 will work fine on VGA.
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