PC Peripherals Suggest a UPS for this system


hey guys suggest a ups that can regulate power and give clean voltage to the smps :D

4gigs ram
1tb seagate hardisk
AMD x4 proccy
xfx5770 gcard
asus mobo
19 inch montior lcd
eagletech 750w smps

the main purpose of the UPS is to protect the computer from voltage fluctations :D

is APC 550VA good enuf?
ubergeek said:
hey guys suggest a ups that can regulate power and give clean voltage to the smps :D

4gigs ram
1tb seagate hardisk
AMD x4 proccy
xfx5770 gcard
asus mobo
19 inch montior lcd
eagletech 750w smps

the main purpose of the UPS is to protect the computer from voltage fluctations :D

is APC 550VA good enuf?
Not sure whether APC ES 550VA is available, better go for 650 VA and its 3K only.

Also a similar thread is in progress so please visit that also for more details...

An underpowered UPS will instantly trip off due to overload and also may affect the system.

The APS 550 is too inadequate imho.

The 650VA too may or may not be enough.

I would suggest saving/spending a little more and getting at least an APC 800VA.