PC Peripherals Suggest an All-In-One Printer:HP F4488 or HP 2050 ?*Urgent*

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Suggest an All-In-One Printer:HP F4488 or HP 2050 ?Bought HP F4488


I've to Buy a AIO(Print,Scan,Copy) Printer in few days.My Usage is Less and I want a printer without giving trouble if not used for a long period of time(no clogging in printer head).Also Getting Refills Easy.

Most Easily available Model here in Cochin is HP Deskjet F4488(HP Deskjet F4488 All-in-One Printer (CB745D) - Accessories, supplies & services )

is Quoted For Rs3600/ to 3800 When I Inquired at few shops in Cochin.

How is this Printer?I saw HP Website and they have "F4492" listed for other Countries.Is that Model available in India?

My Budget is Less than Rs4000.Which HP All-In-One Printer is Best at this Price Range?

Which Model will be Better.

Also, Kerala Techenclave Guys - Any Reccomendation on Computer Shops in Kochi ?

Note:looking to buy a HP brand for Linux Printing Support

Guys, it is Urgent.Please Help Me.

4488 is a better choice. If inremember correctly, it has 2 years warranty and on site service.

If some one can confirm that you should go for it.
I bought F4488 For Rs3650 Invoice.My Doubt is, When I asked About Warranty, They are telling Me to Bring the Printer to their Shop.This is a Made in China/Malaysia Product.DO I need to Register For Warranty in HP Site?

Also ,I've a Numeric UPS 600VA or So?I Wonder if I need to Connect Printer Power Supply via UPS?

Currently, I have a Stabilizer from where UPS Takes Power.I bought a "Spike Arrester"(?? the thing with multiple power sockets) .Was Wondering if I'll Connect it first to Stabilizer and plug in inkjet printer?Is it Enough?I googled for (UPS+Printer) and Nothing Much Helpful came.

Sorry for n00b question. :D
Since it's yours, register either ways. Confirm if it's under India warranty by calling HP helpline.

I have connected my HP 4288 to my ups and I don't have a stabiliser so there shouldn't e any issues I guess, works flawlessly.
I've got HP 818 BLACK intro cartridge refilled at cartridgeworld outlet.the "ink level monitor" thingy is not working as expected.is there exists any solution?
Did not wanted to open a new thread - so asking the question here itself.

Which one do you guys feel is a better buy - Samsung SCX3201 or SCX4300. Also, what is the toner cost for these 2 printers? Both are priced the same. 3201 has better specs. But i need to know the cost per page before deciding which one to buy?
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