CPU/Mobo Suggest an AM2 mobo for a dirt cheap rig based on Sempron LE1200 :)

Private Ryan said:
^Thanks for the help,mate..:)
Can u suggest me a good router brand/model that is cheap and yet, reliable?:P

(Noob Question Alert! :P )

Btw, a router has its own ip address na? Now if i connect the sify lan cable to the router, will i be able to share the connection on atleast one of the PCs tht are connected to the router?:S Cos sify uses a static ip and if i give the router the static IP address tht sify gave me, how will i give one of the PCs that are connected to the router the same IP address? :S Wont it show an IP address conflict? :S Also, because of the static ip address, i cannot use the connection on both the computers simultaneously,isnt it? I'll have to disable LAN on one the the PCs to use the connection on another,if i give both the PCs the same IP address (tht sify gave me),right? :S

Alright,i presume,it may not be possible to use the connection on both the computers simultaneously, but can i use it on atleast one of the pcs?

I know, this is going OT, but please help me out yaar..:P Without setting up the LAN, the new system is just a sitting duck..:P I'm unable to dedicate more cash (or even space on my puter table) for a second monitor..:P So, i have to use both the systems with a single monitor, and preferably,connected to each other for file transfer..:P

Edit: IST 2208 hrs - I just saw bunnyboi reading this thread..:P Help me out, will you..:@

:P :P

hi mate,
me too using sheefy connection...:P what i feel is to set the static ip to 1 pc&you can set this PC as default gateway for another..it just a suggestion...:ashamed: