Suggest an e-mail client for multiple accounts

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Hi guys,
I am learning a lot from this forum.

I need suggestions for a good e-mail client.

I have already tried Outlook Express 2007 and Thunderbird 2, but I do not like either one of them (personal opinion, of course).

Hence I need to know if you guys use any better e-mail clients for multiple accounts. I am ready to purchase the software. I have read some comparisons over the internet, but I know by personal experience that the internet can be misleading.

Gmai. Setup forwarding for all email addresses to Gmail. Then add those email addresses under your account. You will receive messages from all ur accounts and can send messages posing as anyone of ur accounts.
Will definitely try Incredimail. Thanks.


Knew it already, but I need an e-mail client in which I can view my e-mails even when I am offline.
Registered for this forum after seeing this post. I may not stick around, but I have a gmail (guess what it is) if you're seeing this two years on. I'm not a fan of the emoji noise in some chatter traffic, having gone through my emoji phase almost two decades ago. It may not be clear now, but one day that kind of thing will really annoy you!

I say this to support my preference: I use and strongly recommend Seamonkey, as both a mail platform and a browsing platform. It's not flashy, shiny, new or popular, and updates are driven more by security bugs than this week's popular must-have feature.

What it's got is a very usable and well-developed (if plain) interface, very useful for writing email messages (the thing we hope it would do well) and various features like search and on-the-fly spell checking. Add-ons are available, if you need better spelling dictionaries or whatnot, but most of the add-ons are for the main browser app.

If you've used mozilla from the stone age, it'll be somewhat similar. If you haven't tried it, go give it a try. Since I need a browser and an email client, and since I like both to be highly functional vs flashy, seamonkey is my favourite on windows, linux or mac.
I've been using Thunderbird 3+ for god knows how long (WAAAAAY better than 2) - handles multiple accounts, good RSS/news reader, and handles multiple multi-gig email files with no complaint whatsoever..

I used to jump email clients fairly frequently - (Eudora, OE, Outlook, Pegasus, Calypso, Courier, Postbox) - and finally settled on the T-Bird. Calypso was objectively the best IMHO, but it got discontinued and now available as a paid, re-branded version (Postbox)

Otherwise you could just use Gmail and install Google Gears for offline access...
archat68 said:
Try MS Outlook 2007. I'm using it with my seven accounts - no problem.

Funnily, I sided with Thunderbird, even after I was kind of used to Outlook 2007. Thunderbid - is much more simpler and faster (atleast in my case).
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