Suggest an ISP plan

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Guys, are you aware of any ISP plan in Mumbai that provides a 128Kbps or closer speed & unlimited downloads for 600-650 bucks ?
f there's anybody at your home working for a PSU or a govt. organization, U can avail 20% off on BSNL dataone plans, UL750-750Rs-20%= 600
cooldude_007 said:
f there's anybody at your home working for a PSU or a govt. organization, U can avail 20% off on BSNL dataone plans, UL750-750Rs-20%= 600
Unfortunately though , there is no BSNL in Mumbai
MagicOPromotion said:
Hi, my friends... I want to download software pack XRUMER 5.07 Palladium for FREE. Have you any link?
I'm so need this magic program! It's can break captchas automatically! Activate accounts via email automatically too! Absolutely great software! Help me!
And did you hear news - price for XRumer 5.0 Palladium will grow up to $540 after 15 may 2009... And XRumer 2.9 and 3.0 - too old versions, it's cant break modern catpchas and cant break modern anti-bot protections. But XRumer 5.0 Palladium CAN!!!!
So help me for download this great soft for free! Thanks!

Wrong section...!!!:@
MagicOPromotion said:
Hi, my friends... I want to download software pack XRUMER 5.07 Palladium for FREE. Have you any link?
I'm so need this magic program! It's can break captchas automatically! Activate accounts via email automatically too! Absolutely great software! Help me!
And did you hear news - price for XRumer 5.0 Palladium will grow up to $540 after 15 may 2009... And XRumer 2.9 and 3.0 - too old versions, it's cant break modern catpchas and cant break modern anti-bot protections. But XRumer 5.0 Palladium CAN!!!!
So help me for download this great soft for free! Thanks!

I'll give you a link if you can suggest me a good ISP plan. :ohyeah:
Reliance has a 300kbps unlimited + 150 calls + static IP at 700 bucks per month. No installation charges.
whacky_rohan said:
there is 256KBPS line from hathway for Rs. 2000 for 3 months..
that turns out for Rs. 666 per month..

Link --> Hathway : Get Connected

Check New Freeway Flexi

That number works wonders for me :devil2: Just wanted to know whether there are any known issues with Hathway like Airtel.

@everyone else
Please keep pouring in suggestions guys & :thanx:
Dinesh_Malhotra said:
youtelecom 192kbps UL for 450 !!

awesome service backed by awesome NO-DOWNTIME

I beg to differ. I had this ISP when it was still called IQARA. Had huge amount of downtime and finally switched to MTNL.
Having said that I must concede that there was a lot of digging being done by MGL at that time and IQARA blamed them for repeated cable breakage.
hathway is good for unlimit plans ...the only problem is ull get avg 24kBps.....and never ever ull get a spike of say 100-200 ever...also RS download suks big time...and most important upload is half the speed of download and the same way u wont get full speed on only public torrent site usefull
You mean a stable download rate of 24 kBps at 256 kbps plan right ? That's not an issue because I'm already paying a local ISP 550 bucks for a 64 kbps plan & get only 5.6 kBps stable transfer rate.Another important thing is, do these local ISPs cut off the cables if some other ISP crosses his lines over theirs ? Might be a rumour but I haven't noticed anyone in my area using any other ISP.
been using hathway 256kb UL plan for over a year now... never had any problems with it.. no downtime etc etc.. getting dl speeds of 26 to 27 average on torrent dls..
just saw an ad.....in2cable...they have 256kbps night unlimited at 300 (NU includes sundays!!)...thats really cheap...but dunno how good they are...dont rem other rates, but they might be cheap
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