They were North-South, but I even tried East-West as well. I did some more testing and horizontal range is good as well, but outside the house. The walls seem to be the main culprit here. On 5Ghz, I am getting the same signal strength 20ft from the router inside the house that I am getting 100ft away, outside.How are the antennas aligned? North-South or East-West?
Also, I tried the feature of the TP-Link routers where they broadcast 1 SSID for both bands and then make sure the clients connect accordingly. That didn't work as efficiently as I would've liked. I chose that because I thought the 5Ghz range won't be enough when I am outside and the router will keep shifting me from the 2.4Ghz to 5Ghz whenever I am in range, but it doesn't do that quickly enough. But now, that I see that 5Ghz range is great outside, I have switched that feature off and broadcasting both bands separately.