suggest best phone for 12-14k

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guys.. just saw 6270i and gone mad..

is this phone avaliable in india??
if not how can i purchaes online?

do i need to pay any tax or something and what about warranty and support..

coz i am not able to get any information on this..

plz help..
6280 is a brilliant phone according to features from what i've been hearing. The only big downer is NO Symbian! So if you can settle for that then go for it.
6280 looks awsome and has good features...i havent read any reviews of it so i dont know if its slider has any problems like the 6270
6280 slider is better then 6270, bcause it has no gap between the front and the back units....

However In BLR with 6270 they are givin away 512 mb MINI sd card free
while with 6280 gets u just 64 mb card!

also it is useless payin more fr 3g and frnt cam when u won't be usin them.
what is price of D600e.

anyway i am bit confuse between 6270 and 6280.
which is best value for moeny..

it seems that 6280 is good but going little bit out of my budget.

However In BLR with 6270 they are givin away 512 mb MINI sd card free
while with 6280 gets u just 64 mb card!

what is price of 6280 and 6270 there...
The Best phone on the market is the w800i, it has every function a phone requires and with its 2mg camera it produces some outstanding photographs, hands down if i was looking for a phone on the market id go for the Sony Ericson.
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