Suggest Defragmentation Tool..


drinks like a fish
title says it all.

I did google around but everyone gives different suggestions.

What makes one defrag tool better than the other?

Does MS Disk Defrag Tool do a decent job?

Even i suggest Diskeeper for its automatic background defrag. The best i have tried.

If you want something free, Auslogics does a decent job.
I just started to use Diskeeper now, before I used O&O for 1+ yr. Differance is clearly visible, O&O background defrag task is not effecient @ all, every week had to manually run it and always found large fragments. This is not case w/ Diskeeper, now no need to run anything manually, and its Boot Time Defrag is awesome, includes Page file + MFT.

sujit801 said:
even i prefer oo defrag pro

whats makes u say that?
Me too tried O&O Defrag for some time but then moved to Diskeeper and the latest one does its work without even informing anything and it's really good at it...:eek:hyeah:
+1 for Diskeeper 2008
Try "puran defragmenter" developed by an indian puranchand gupta.Father of all mentioned here

First i laughed at name puranchand gupta for software developer.He should change this.Well his software seems good and fast.