CPU/Mobo Suggest | Dual Core based System

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I need to buy following for a friend, please suggest if there are any marginal better components and how much they would cost.

1. CPU - Dual Core 2.5 Ghz

2. Motherboard - Intel [DG 41 RQ] (Which would be nice?)

3. RAM - 4 GB Hynix

4. Monitor - Dell 18" - Any better?

5. DVD Writer - Please suggest.

6. Power supply. Probably might add a GPU 4670. - Suggest.

No OC!

Mine friend has got a quotation of 21k in exchange of his 9 year old P3 Based system from a dealer. What do you suggest guys? Decent enough?

linuxtechie said:

I need to buy following for a friend, please suggest if there are any marginal better components and how much they would cost.

1. CPU - Dual Core 2.5 Ghz
2. Motherboard - Intel (Which would be nice?) - Gigabyte G31-MS2L / Or the E variant if you could find it.

3. RAM - 4 GB Hynix Hynix? Chloremint kyun? :P Transcent costs marginally higher, go for that.
4. Monitor - Dell 18" - Any better? Good choice already if you meant 18.5"
5. DVD Writer - Please suggest. LG H20/22 N

6. Power supply. Probably might add a GPU 4670. - Suggest.
Corsair CX400 / Any info about the Gigabyte one?
No OC!

Mine friend has got a quotation of 21k in exchange of his 9 year old P3 Based system from a dealer. What do you suggest guys? Decent enough?

Almost acurate pricing.
i would get E7xxx instead of E5200 .. if budget is not a problem as you won't be OC'ing .

Also as Sarang suggested get Transcend ram .. difference is minimal .

G31 E S2L is the most vfm board rite now ..
Has your friend taken AMD into consideration? If you can find it in stores, the AMD Phenom II X2 550 just hit etailors in the US. It's up their with the X3 720 and the E8500, at stock and overclocked and the cheapest. :)
linuxtechie said:

The RAM that is being given is of brand 3M. Has anybody heard about it? Howz it?


3M does not make memory modules AFAIK. Must have got to do something about the packaging? Why's your friend hellbent on getting the Hynix module anyway?

Lol, 21k for a 9 year old PIII system sounds just decent for you? The dealer sure must be looted. :P

And what exactly's your friend's budget?
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