Suggest Free HDD Partition Recovery software.



Relative of mine formatted WD HDD of 1 TB unknowingly. It had around 5 partitions. It got formatted by Windows default format tool & was never overwritten luckily.

I am looking for software to install on Windows 7 which can recover all these partitions by connecting this formatted HDD

Few questions,
- If partitions are recovered, will it have "ALL" the data in it ? Or again I need to run Data recovery tool to recover individual files.

Few free tools Google Suggested
EASEUS Partition Recovery 5.0.1 - Website says it will Recover accidentally deleted partition but will NOT recover files from deleted & lost partition.
EASEUS NTFS partition data recovery

Please suggest a FREE tool which can recover complete partition with all types of files & files above 1 GB in size.
instead of recovering partitions I would suggest data recovery softwares.

Get Data Back for FAT / NTFS has done a good job for me many a times, while helping out friends.

ALso you will need a spare HDD to keep all the recovered data.

PS : missed your need for Free tool, perhaps I dont know of any good ones, you have to go the ahem way most likely.
Ya, have spare HDD ready.

Bro, If I am able to recover whole partition so I can have data intact (If possible) rather then having to recover each file & restore it :(.
Thank you.

Isn't PhotoRec only to recover photos ?

What I am thinking is if I am able to recover whole partition then why do lots of work on recovering each & every file ?

If I recover whole partition then wouldn't I get all data in it as it is ?
Great.. Thanks a lot for that input.

Quick Q - Will it recover all the files inside partition as it is once you recover the partition ? or I have to do manually.

Will find and mount recover all the files inside partition as it is once you recover the partition ? or I have to do manually.
Praks said:
Will find and mount recover all the files inside partition as it is once you recover the partition ? or I have to do manually.
If it finds the partition it will recover the whole partition with data.

Will find and mount be able to mount the partition which was formatted using Windows format tool ?

Trying to understand, How F & M is different from other data recovery tool like Recuva ? Will F & M work on Win 7 64 bit (I got an error) ?
Hi ,

I've use TestDisk to recover the partition NTFS partition which is deleted when i removed Ubuntu.

Worked like a charm and able to restore the entire partition :)

Thanks for your help bro.

Here is scenario, 1 TB HDD with 5 partitions was formatted using Windows Format utility. All 5 partitions are required to be recovered.

This 1 TB Internal 3.5" HDD will be connected with laptop using external casing & 5 partitions will be recovered on another external HDD. Main laptop will be running

only recovery software. Will this work out ?

Will it be good to run image of test disk or install software ?
Back to thread.

Have tried F & M many times in last 1 month, But it just scans.

Deleted partitions are not showing, Any idea what to do ?