Suggest games like GTA, Sims and Quake series

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I am running out of downloads guys, please suggest some good games.

My favorite games have been GTA, Sims, Quake series and Crysis.

My configuration is
Intel C2D E6550 - 2.33Ghz
GPU - 9600GT 512MB

Prince of Persia... Call of Duty... Mirror's Edge... Far Cry 2... The list is ENDLESS!!

Kindly do not promote piracy... Always buy original and show your support for the developers. If you think that the prices are too high, then it's only because piracy is rampant across our country... :)

No offenses!! :D
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where is Genie ??? ask him na mentioned the sims, have you tried other God games - Black & white (1&2), the spore.

Which version of sims you played ? if you got sims 3 - then its a pretty long game - in fact almost never ending kind of game.
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Aladdin said:
I am running out of downloads guys, please suggest some good games.

My favorite games have been GTA, Sims, Quake series and Crysis.

My configuration is
Intel C2D E6550 - 2.33Ghz
GPU - 9600GT 512MB
GTA Clones - Saints Row 2, Just Cause, Scarface, Mercs 2, True Crime
UT2004 and UT 3

And dont miss Mafia 1 if u havent played it yet
old game, but GOLD
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