Suggest games with kickass storylines

I have nothing to pass my time time these days, so thought of making some use of the config I saved and saved for :)

They should have awesome storyline (this is a must for me), good graphics (so relatively newer)

No specific genre comes to my I have liked previously (with storyline) : Modern Warfare 2, DMC 4, Dragon Age: Origins, Warcraft 3

EDIT : Also loved Max Payne 1 & 2 and presentation is also equally necessary :)
Points only for plot? Or plot and presentation?

Deus Ex

Bioshock 1 and 2

Max Payne

Assassin's Creed 2

Mass Effect 2
Since the time I made this thread, I have completed Assassin's Creed 1,2, Brotherhood and Dragon Age 2. Loved them all.

I recently started Mass effect but didn't quite like it. Could someone suggest me some other games I could play considering that my requirement is still the same?

Play MAFIA 1, & even 2 :)

FARCRY though its a lengthy campaign .

POP SOT , WW , TWTH ... ( these are bit old but story line is awesome )
Only story? Syberia 1 and 2.

Other than the one's already mentioned, Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 had interesting plotlines, so did NeverWinter Nights. Then there's Homeworld 1, 2 and Cataclysm if you like strategies, Fahrenheit(Indigo Prophecy) in adventure were pretty good too. I play primarily for stories too, but sadly good scripts are few and far between nowadays. Everyone wants to jump on the class based multiplayer bandwagon :(
Play POP trilogy

Assassins Creed Brotherhood

Batman Arkham Asylum(You will definitely love it)

Gears of War(1 if on PC,even 2 if on XBox)

Mafia 2(no Explanation needed)