Suggest good books for personal library collection

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Steps to make a good library.

1. Decide the genre you're gonna read
2. buy the book.
3. if you like it, keep it
4. if you dislike it, re-sell it
5. repeat from step-2 onwards.
6. you have a huge library in 8-10 months,(assuming you read a book in 5 days)
Seriously, 80-100 books at once? And for personal collection? Do you even know how much time it will take to read that many books?

What is your experience reading fiction books? Are you a reader at all, or just buying in the hopes that it will help you sleep?

One can just put up a list of "100 Books You Need to Read Before You Die" and be done with it, but what is the use of it? Building a personal library is more than just buying so many books all at once.

If you do go ahead with it, I can see another thread from you in the future: "Suggest book to read from my personal library collection." Whatever you are doing is good but think about its practicality... If people are getting bored or not feeling sleepy, they'd pick up some magazine or short stories book. No one would think of picking up a new 900-page novel at 1 am. Only regular readers can continue with novels every night. Intermittent reading makes you lose track of the story and character history.

If you are doing it for show-off then you are doing it in a bad way. Keeping all the popular books (BTW, showing off popular books is too clichéd) in your library won't make your guests jump with sheer delight. They would say, "yeah, i've read it... heard about it, etc". If it's something rare or catchy, they'd surely pick it up and ask you about it.

I've seen books like "Who moved my cheese", "DaVinci Code", "Harry Potter series", etc. at many people's places and I never pick them up to take a look :p If there is some interesting new book then it definitely becomes a discussion point.

Also, there is no use displaying a book for which you have no explanation. What would you tell if someone asks you what's it about? Would you say, "well I bought it because member X suggested me on TE and except for the price, I don't know anything else about it!"

Just read up a bit about each book suggested by the members here. If you like it even a tiny bit, you can buy it.
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