Switch Herald Jan 4, 2010 #1 I am a FPS fan but i can try my hands at anything which is decent. Already done are: Batman AA and Modern Warfare 2
I am a FPS fan but i can try my hands at anything which is decent. Already done are: Batman AA and Modern Warfare 2
S saumilsingh Galvanizer Jan 4, 2010 #2 Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory was the last game I really enjoyed. If you loved playing Batman the ninja way, you will find this even better.
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory was the last game I really enjoyed. If you loved playing Batman the ninja way, you will find this even better.
dinjo Hell Yeah[Born Critic] Galvanizer Jan 4, 2010 #5 Call of Juarez:Bound in Blood Brothers in Arms Hells Highway
D damn Explorer Jan 4, 2010 #6 Fallout 3 Bioshock Dragon Age Origins Crysis Crysis Warhead Mass Effect HAWX Prototype Borderlands Grand Theft Auto 4
Fallout 3 Bioshock Dragon Age Origins Crysis Crysis Warhead Mass Effect HAWX Prototype Borderlands Grand Theft Auto 4
Audiophi1le Live eviL Forerunner Jan 5, 2010 #7 Cryostasis Lost Planet Time Shift Quake 4 Assassins Creed Wolfienstein Fear 1/2 FarCry 2 StreetFighter 4:clap: Spore...
Cryostasis Lost Planet Time Shift Quake 4 Assassins Creed Wolfienstein Fear 1/2 FarCry 2 StreetFighter 4:clap: Spore...
S Spectre Explorer Jan 5, 2010 #8 for starters: Dragon Age Origins Risen Divinity 2 Drakensang Mass effect Warhammer Dawn of War II Prototype
for starters: Dragon Age Origins Risen Divinity 2 Drakensang Mass effect Warhammer Dawn of War II Prototype
H hellrider Contributor Jan 5, 2010 #9 I would recommend Mass Effect Thief Deadly Shadows Batman Arkham Asylum Modern Warfare Farcry
P pretttt Contributor Jan 5, 2010 #10 Borderlands - awesome fun Dragon Age Origins - I hated it, but my brother is absolutely crazy about it and also a LOT of other people older games FarCry 2 - most people hate it, but I like it BioShock - awesome game Fallout 3 - again awesome game lots of other games released last year which I havent tried yet: L4D2, Red Faction Guerilla, Wolfenstein, Saboteur etc...
Borderlands - awesome fun Dragon Age Origins - I hated it, but my brother is absolutely crazy about it and also a LOT of other people older games FarCry 2 - most people hate it, but I like it BioShock - awesome game Fallout 3 - again awesome game lots of other games released last year which I havent tried yet: L4D2, Red Faction Guerilla, Wolfenstein, Saboteur etc...
quan chi Herald Jan 5, 2010 #13 halo 1 and halo 2.i liked halo 2 the most. and all those mentioned by other members.
M m.khurana Discoverer Jan 5, 2010 #14 try CoMmand & CoNquEr GENERALS..!! I USEd To Play lOnG Bak..!!
irfanlai Contributor Jan 6, 2010 #17 If playing on LAN then enjoy the all time great game "Counter Strike". It rocks
W wayneroons Contributor Jan 7, 2010 #18 saboteur has performance issues....lags a lot.....n not dat gud too... borderlands is really gud