Suggest me a Tablet under Rs. 30000/-

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IMO the acer iconia is the worst HC outthere. Asus is better. LG is better. Galaxy is better. I guess even Xoom is better. And I dunno any other tablet with HC.

And the acer doesn't have 3G either. You can import a Asus Transformer Wifi for less and it will pawn the acer.
@red_dragon. Sadly you aren't one of them.


1. It has a 256K color screen compared to most other tablets who have a 16M color screen.

2. It offers nothing which everybody else doesn't do, no advantage in terms of quantity of features and chances are the quality isn't as smooth as a Samsung or anything either. So it is just another tablet.

3. You can read at XDA the complaints. People rather sell off an Acer to get an Asus or Samsung. So it is clearly the worst of the lot.

4. The screen is enough of a downer. When everybody has a 16M screen which is the norm since many years now, a 256K color obviously can't compete/compare.

And sadly, it is the higher income people who have more knowledge (they have time to read about their recreation :D) and experience (they can buy and try and have more knowledge too) as well :P

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And honestly, there is nothing wrong with Acer Iconia other than it has a 256K color screen. The advantage it has is that it is available in India whereas others aren't. So if the 256K color screen doesn't bother you, then it is an okay deal.

However, getting an Asus EEE Pad transformer through Aramex/SYW will be a cheaper and better afair!

Want to ask u have u used it? And what made u to to reach this conclusion?

Have u gone Transformer section on XDA and seen problems there?

Yes it offers which others doesnt ie.Full USB port.

About screen i had galaxy tab 7" screen quality is same or better in acer , Well if acer havnt mentioned 262k i bet u wouldnt have noticed it.
Well, I haven't used it. But I have read a lot on the internet about 262K vs 16M colors in phones and the difference is there.

Also, I have read that there is sorta a grid visible on the acer screen, which isn't something very nice.

Also, there is no harm going for a 16M color screen? Is there? You can easily import an Asus Transformer for like 20-24k including shipping and customs, approx. And it will still have SYW or US warranty, that too 2 years I guess. So that is the better bet imo.

Also, other than 262k colors, acer is fine, but that is a big down for me, especially when there are other better options available for import at even cheaper or equivalent rates!
rite said:
Well, I haven't used it. But I have read a lot on the internet about 262K vs 16M colors in phones and the difference is there.

So,basically the special people are only reading,just like poor souls like us.

Oh,BTW,the grid you read about is only visible if you watch real close and that too at a particular angle only and most importantly when either the screen is turned off or the brightness is below 30%.

It is just like the grid in htc hd2(techpal can compare as he has both)

rite ji,stop reading and speculating..go out and see the real thing before making stupid comments.

Wasn`t it you,who thought ipad has retina display?(Knowledge and experience!!!)
I would suggest you to try the Acer Iconia tablet in person before buying it. I am contemplating a tablet purchase. I had tried the acer iconia A500 at Acer stall and was put off by the screen clarity and build quality. I somehow liked that the screen of ipad and ipad 2 is better compared to acer contrary to what techpal feels. iPad 2 is your best bet currently as far tablets are concerned .

My colleague in US who has Galaxy 10.1 in US (courtesy google) tells me that galaxy tablet is a serious contender to iPad. So I would suggest you wait for galaxy 10.1 to be released and then take a decision. If you cant wait , go and buy iPad 2 with your eyes closed. :)

Thanks for all suggestions but i saw Acer Iconia and that gives me what i need coz that have full usb port to use keyboard and as well as pendrive or external hdd. Which is not available in IPad2 or Galaxy TAB 10.1


sandy453 said:
I would suggest you to try the Acer Iconia tablet in person before buying it. I am contemplating a tablet purchase. I had tried the acer iconia A500 at Acer stall and was put off by the screen clarity and build quality. I somehow liked that the screen of ipad and ipad 2 is better compared to acer contrary to what techpal feels. iPad 2 is your best bet currently as far tablets are concerned .

My colleague in US who has Galaxy 10.1 in US (courtesy google) tells me that galaxy tablet is a serious contender to iPad. So I would suggest you wait for galaxy 10.1 to be released and then take a decision. If you cant wait , go and buy iPad 2 with your eyes closed. :)
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