Malique said:His first post states he plans to use it with iphone 4 'mostly'. IMO iphone 4 is a decent source.
bennysachdev said:iPhone is a decent source. In that case you can just go for a good iem.
sukant said:@Avi
At that budget go get a Brainwvwz M3 and you need not have to look back or go for a upgrade till it breaks down , very good IEM atleast i was really satisfied with it.
santhoshr said:Avi, if you are still wondering whether upgrading Hp will make a difference, it may not initially, because there are many factors involved, starting from the headphone you choose, burn-in time, audio file, the audio player handling the file, eq settings. So choose ur Hp wisely read many reviews and don't ignore build quality issues, because having a good sounding Hp just for few months is not your goal. It is very addictive space, you will always wants to upgrade a Hp mostly with inc budget, that's why you can take benny's advice and start slowly with entry level good Hp, so when it is time for up-gradation the expenditure will not be drastic, you can also enjoy many hps.
chiron said:Brainwavz M4 seems really interesting iyam.
sukant said:@Avi
At that budget go get a Brainwvwz M3 and you need not have to look back or go for a upgrade till it breaks down , very good IEM atleast i was really satisfied with it.
bennysachdev said:Lemme give you the best suggestion I can think of, get a Sansa Clip+, upgrade the storage and get a JVC Marshmellow. When you feel the itch to upgrade again after months/years, get a better iem. That way you have a good player and a good iem rather than just a good iem and not a good source. Trust me its about synergy. You can't have a maruti 800 engine powering a Hummer right? I'm assuming your using a cellphone or ur laptop with the iem since you haven't mentioned your source yet. The SQ of a Clip+ will be a good step up. You can fetch both from pristinenote on TE.
Personally I think the marshmellows are excellent VFM.
There is a lot of difference between 128kbps and 320kbps files, if you hear it even using a mediocre source!( even when i connect my iem to china phone , i can feel difference)
santhoshr said:If you are going keep worrying about finding a difference in music or about your ears (lol), you are in for great disappointment, because even the costliest headphone would not be sounding awesome at the start, for that you have to listen for long time (short cut is burn-in).
santhoshr said:Dude, don't worry about it, pick a good headphone that has excellent review and trust in Godyou should be in your path to musical discovery. Regarding buying hp or iem, since your source is going to be portable players, it is best to go for IEMs. Since you are not going to upgrade your hp for 2+ yrs go for IEM known for excellent build quality, also I would suggest to go for IEMs in 4-5k price range (increase once again
), because this is magic mark $100 where hp manufactures wants to cash in where they will find many users, so SQ is drastically improved in this range. Rem hp is always a risky investment always lottery, hit or miss, it your luck counts too! many things can go wrong from product, build issues, SQ! Go for it only if you can take that risk, if you are not prepared for that, you need to reduce your budget till the point where the impact is less !
chiron said:@avi; since you are using it with iphone I expect that you will be using it outdoors at least on occasion, in which case headphones are cumbersome(even the so called portable models) in addition to getting stares from passerbys and imo that is reason enough to discard that idea.
chiron said:However, if you are still set on going the hp route then there are enough headphones that work perfectly fine with iphone(and other mp3 players/mobiles), so don't worry about amps. If you plan to use it indoors and sound leaking/isolation from them isn't an issue then open circumaural headphones are your best choice as they are really comfortable(large pads, less clamping force) and give good clarity and since bass isn't an issue for you those might also provide the sound you like the most.
chiron said:I think you need to give some more detail regarding your listening perferences/usage to get better replies.
edge111hussain said:Op, at a similar price point, iem;s will outperform hp's. Consider this as a thumbrule in your case (there are exceptions).
For eg, if a klipsch s4, m2, m3, N7, PL-50, perform at a X quality, a similar priced HP will be below par in quality.
Headphones are higher priced and you wont find anything decent at below 6-7k. For eg, to match the quality of a m3 s4 etc, you will have to pick up something like a ath-50 or senn hd-555 or 515 which are all 6k or higher.
In headphones under 4k, i can only think of sennheisers px-100 or koss porta pro.
I Hope this answers your basic question...
esanthosh said:Increase it to $150 and get EX-600 / FXT90 / GR07 and be done with all the questions
You can increase it to $1000 and still could have plenty of choices to confuse you today. So..
esanthosh said:a) Is 4K the final, final budget?
b) Want to stick to locally available choices? Need warranty? Or can take a risk with IEMs which can be under 4K shipped from eBay or online stores?
c) What kind of sound signature are you looking for? Heavy bass? Better vocals? Rockin' ones? Softer toned ones?
avi said:What shall I do, from what I feel about IEMs is completely different than what you guys say. Firstly I couldn't make any difference with 128 & 320 KBPS file & secondly, I felt Ep 630 less bassy.
And no I cannot increase my budget now.
Nah, music mostly indoors. Outdoors on very less occasion.
Yep, mostly indoors. And can suggest few such headphones which work fine it iPhone ?
Listening preference / usage :
Most of the time bollywood / Indian music, Instrumentals, very less heavy bass etc. Most of the times I will be using indoors.
I think this what I wanted. So no to HPs ?
a) Yup, 4K is final if HP. If IEM, then max 2.5K.
b) Not worried about warranty & all. Wouldn't mind buying an old piece too. And ready to take risk buying online.
c) Soft toned > Better Vocals > Rockin > Heavy bass
Again, if iPhone cannot drive HP, then I wouldn't mind buying an IEM. How good BW M1 is ? Do I feel any drastic changes as I have used EP 630 from past ?
If HP, then how are Skull Candy HPs ? They look killer !
and what is this sub woofer thingy : Skullcandy SCS-SCBP3.5 Skullcrushers Subwoofer Ste-HBU | eBay ?
edge111hussain said:This might be ur lucky day.. Run to the mp4 nation site and check out the H3, they r selling for 50$. Was abt to pull the trigger on it till santosh moved my glaze on the h5 which is selling at 99$ pre order.
This seems to be a good deal .. Check all reviews though. And dude, u just missed the ie6 sale at 99$. Even the m2's are going really cheap today.. Go get 1....
edge111hussain said:Ya but dude, back to the same question, at your budget you dont have too many options in hp's/
bennysachdev said:Your question whether iphone4 can drive headphones or no is not entirely correct. My answer would be, depends on what headphones.
As a simple rule of thumb, a headphone with a Sensitivity (dB) above 100dB and Impedance(Ohms) less than 45ohms, can be driven well from an iphone, and the same would apply to players like cowons, sansa, ipods, etc.
The higher the sensitivity and lower the ohms, the better it is power wise. When I say better, I mean the fuller it would sound and both ends of the frequency spectrum. After that, its the headphones own characteristics and how the tuning has been done which comes to play.