Suggest Mobile with Touch / 3G / Android under 15k

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Hey guys,

Planning to buy new mobile, pls. suggest the one which has latest Android + Touch + 3G and if possible keypad too, all under 15k.

Boot_Comp said:
I think it comes down to a choice between Android and Bada in the long run.

Choose whichever would give better VFM down the road. :D

Bada too will be good in long run

anyways one will not keep the same mobile for 5 years

so no question of long run as it isn't an pc
^ ^ Sony ericsson ASpen has touch+qwerty


I recommend X10 mini pro

I own the mini and i just love it....

go for it dude.

You won't regret it
I really think you should stay away from the Wildfire, I used a friends and the screen is just so sad, its like jumping to the lowest resolution on your monitor, and my friend is very much regretting buying the Wildfire. Definitely go for the Wave.
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