Suggest Portable VIDEO player!

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More emphasis on the Video part.
Display resolution: Atleast 800x480 (more pixels the better)
Display size: Atleast 3.5"
Good UI
Atleast 16GB storage
Here are some options for you...

With my personal experience, i would recommend Ainol Over the Nationite / Teclast brands.

Ainol V9000HDA 16GB - 4.3 Touch Screen PMP BLACK [V9000HDAB_16GB] - $139.50 : MP4 Nation!, :: Low Priced MP4, MP3 Players and the latest scoop on the newest MP4 Player

Ainol V9000HDG 16GB - 5.0 Touch Screen PMP BLACK [V9000HDGB_16GB] - $149.50 : MP4 Nation!, :: Low Priced MP4, MP3 Players and the latest scoop on the newest MP4 Player

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Edit: The nationite product is not being found on Another option is to search on focalprice for similar options. But i would suggest you to list down the brands that you find interest in. Dont order anyone by just checking features. List down here and we will help in drilling down something for you.

PS: Myself owns a Ainol V6000HDV 16GB 4.3" screen and am really happy with it. It also plays MKV and even low bitrate 720p videos.
Somewhere around 8K-15K

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raksrules said:
Here are some options for you...

With my personal experience, i would recommend Ainol Over the Nationite / Teclast brands.

Ainol V9000HDA 16GB - 4.3 Touch Screen PMP BLACK [V9000HDAB_16GB] - $139.50 : MP4 Nation!, :: Low Priced MP4, MP3 Players and the latest scoop on the newest MP4 Player

Ainol V9000HDG 16GB - 5.0 Touch Screen PMP BLACK [V9000HDGB_16GB] - $149.50 : MP4 Nation!, :: Low Priced MP4, MP3 Players and the latest scoop on the newest MP4 Player

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Edit: The nationite product is not being found on Another option is to search on focalprice for similar options. But i would suggest you to list down the brands that you find interest in. Dont order anyone by just checking features. List down here and we will help in drilling down something for you.

PS: Myself owns a Ainol V6000HDV 16GB 4.3" screen and am really happy with it. It also plays MKV and even low bitrate 720p videos.
Thanks....will check it out. Are these all Chinese brands? Are they reliable for long runs?
Yes they are chinese brands and good chinese brands so dont worry. But mind you dont expect good audio quality out of them. But for video they are really awesome.
I have gone through almost the whole of mp4nation. After reading and viewing reviews, I've got it down to 2 players:
Ainol V9000HDG 16GB - 5.0" &
Window G85
Please let me know which one should I go for?

PS: I am not looking for great audio. If the video plays in sync and in good quality, I'm for it.

So i have checked both the player and i would say you go for the Ainol One.

Primary reasons i would say are...

1. It is a Ainol and believe me its products are good. Last time i had bought three Ainol MP4 player and two of them at my home only. One is V6000HDV and V8000HDG, Predecessors of the one that you have chosen.
2. It will play almost all formats.
3. Great screen resolution and clarity.
4. Good battery life IMO
5. TV out works awesome and you can enjoy the movies on your TV
6. Great inbuilt capacity and even have MicroSD card slot
7. Mini HDMI out also available in this model so good quality output you can expect. The normal yellow white red TV out is also available incase you dont have a LCD TV.

Many more :P

Now the important part....

I strongly recommend you to get the optional accessories pack as it will be a great value add. Contact the MP4 nation people for the total price with accessories pack.
The HDMI cable is not a normal male to male but a mini one, on which the mini end goes in player and normal one goes in TV which you probably wont get here. So better get that part of accessories.

Getting this player directly may invite a customs. I am not sure but i am just speculating. People who have ordered before directly from the site may answer this. Another option is to contact Amarbir (formar dealer on TE) for the player. He will also provide you a India warranty on his part.
Hope this helps.

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PS: Check this review on V6000HDV i had written long time back....
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^^ No i have no idea, people who have ordered from the site can throw some light. Also in any likely chance is there any of your colleage / co worker in China ? Asking this because if there is indeed anyone then you will get the player and accessories for like 60% of the cost listed on MP4 Nation. :)
^^ No you wont get them in Mumbai. Only options for you is direct MP4Nation or may be Amarbir.

See buddy these are not those high end stuff that has lots of demand here (like iphone etc) so getting here is not possible. Moreover these cost a lot less in 4K INR and all vis-a-vis you get in MP4Nation etc.
Hey buddy you can ask whatever questions you want to ask. No need to hesitate. About Archos i am not sure if it plays everything. Last i had read somewhere that you have to buy additional codecs to play certain formats. But i cannot fully vouch for this information. May be people owning archos can reply. But see buddy if you are getting similar stuff for less then why spend more. I understand that you are hesitant about the chinese brands like ainol. If you want you can come to my home and check my two ainol players.

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And if you really want to spend like 16k then you can always go for the ipod touch. Just that you will need to convert all the videos.
You are right. Thanks for your offer.
Will go for the Ainol player (the fact that you already own one and not faced any problems convinced me). Now I just have to ask around or search the net for a better offer OR just purchase from mp4nation. Thanks a lot for your inputs, I wasn't even aware that these players exist. Only Archos, Cowon, Touch etc...I knew.

Ipod Touch is a good player but the resolution and display size go against it. Also, I hate Itunes :)
But remember with Ainol and all you will only have its stock functionality of audio, video, photos, ebook reader, pre loaded games and FM. Nothing like add on apps like ipod touch and all.

But do not compare their audio with the likes of cowon or ipod else you will be disappointed. Its not bad, it is plain decent and nothing extraordinary.

Since your primary requirement is video i suggested this.

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Check the ainol sub forum on mp4nation forums for more information and for known issues if any

MP4 Nation Forums • View forum - Ainol Player Talk
Was going through the forums since last 2 days to get updated about the device. I have my Sansa Clip for audio is no prob.
I just needed a good screen res (800x480 16M colours), size (5"), both of which Ainol has.
For apps, ebook reader...etc.. will look for a good Android cell phone later;)
santosh86 said:
Was going through the forums since last 2 days to get updated about the device. I have my Sansa Clip for audio is no prob.
I just needed a good screen res (800x480 16M colours), size (5"), both of which Ainol has.
For apps, ebook reader...etc.. will look for a good Android cell phone later;)

How about the Cowon J3??
It will have a good audio too plus screen size is 3.5 inches'
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