Suggest Portable VIDEO player!

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dude give zune hd a try
great h/w specs nvidia tegra chip in it to support hd videos
went thru a few reviews n it recieved great ratings
I was looking for a movie player and found out ViewSonic VPD 400/500. Costs around $100 in US. Don't know whether it is available apart from US. Looks good but reviews are limited.

Have a look. I thought of buying but undecided should i go for it or not?
^^ Viewsonic vpd 400 is nothing but Ainol V6000HDV rebranded. I am 100% sure about this. I have the Ainol V6000HDV myself :)

In short Viewsonic is rebranding Ainol player.

VPD 500 is exactly same as 400 but with a 5" screen as against 4.3" of 400.

Check this link:

MP4 Nation Forums • View topic - Viewsonic rebranded one of Ainol's Player

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cri_sss said:
Looks good but reviews are limited.

Here is your Inhouse TE review of the Viewsonic VPD400 aka Ainol V6000HDV :D
raksrules said:
^^ Viewsonic vpd 400 is nothing but Ainol V6000HDV rebranded. I am 100% sure about this. I have the Ainol V6000HDV myself :)

In short Viewsonic is rebranding Ainol player.

VPD 500 is exactly same as 400 but with a 5" screen as against 4.3" of 400.

Check this link:

MP4 Nation Forums • View topic - Viewsonic rebranded one of Ainol's Player

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Here is your Inhouse TE review of the Viewsonic VPD400 aka Ainol V6000HDV :D
Hey do you have any idea, why do these players come so cheap??
^^ Because they are not very much into advertising and hype. They are made in China and sold mostly in China except when sites like focalprice / deal extreme / mP4nation sell them as it is or rebranding. They do have very decent amount of advertising in china but that is very very less.

I never found any billboard in Shanghai advertising them.

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Check this...

Ainol V8000HDV 8GB on focal price sells for 108 USD offers ainol V8000HDV 8GB 4.3" MP5 Player (Black) ,discount ainol V8000HDV 8GB 4.3" MP5 Player (Black),ainol V8000HDV 8GB 4.3" MP5 Player (Black) products,low price ainol V8000HDV 8GB 4.3" MP5 Player (Black),cheap ainol V8000HDV 8GB 4.

The same player sells on chinese website taobao for 475 RMB which is like 70$

v8000hdv 8GB_?
Do you really watch a full movie on these tiny screens ?

What is the purpose, maybe music vids but anything more would be pushing it.

Thing is these players do not take any dvd's either.
^^4.3" may not be tiny when you need portability. For me you can say it makes sense as i travel Mumbai - Pune every weekend and do use it. And yes from my personal experience one does enjoy watching movies on this.

May be one can go for 5" ones if possible.

Better part is when at home it can be connected to your TV to watch the movies on your TV. :)

Btw these players are a rage in China. You see people in trains, buses, on road with their heads stuck in these watching chinese soaps :P
raksrules said:
^^4.3" may not be tiny when you need portability. For me you can say it makes sense as i travel Mumbai - Pune every weekend and do use it. And yes from my personal experience one does enjoy watching movies on this.

May be one can go for 5" ones if possible.

Better part is when at home it can be connected to your TV to watch the movies on your TV. :)

Btw these players are a rage in China. You see people in trains, buses, on road with their heads stuck in these watching chinese soaps :P

Same here. I have to travel like totally 3 hrs everyday in the my Company bus. It gets boring u know if u don't have good company. Plus i get time to watch a lot of series. That's the reason i got a Nokia 5800 for myself when i went to buy myself a new phone. And it just 3.2" screen. But i have watched a lot of movies on it. I just finished all the 3 seasons of Arrested Development on it. Just watched the last episode today. Its totally watchable. For me the only extra task is converting the videos to .MP4 format, but other than that its awesome.
santosh86 said:
I think I'll get it shipped from the site itself. Approximately, how much duty will it attract? any idea?

Duty = 23.8% x C.I.S (Cost of the unit + Insurance (if any) + Shipping cost)

Sucks that they apply duty on the grand total of the above three as opposed to just the cost price but it works on the landed value of the item when it reaches India.

If you know any ppl coming from there they can bring in a total of Rs.25,000 worth of stuff duty free.
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