Suggest PS3 games that parents would like

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I recently bought a PS3 for gaming and I'm loving every bit of playing games on a huge TV. Every now and then even my parents would come to the room just to watch what's happening on the TV :P

As they are taking a slight interest, I'm thinking of involving them in the fun. My dad has flat out refused to even touch the controller when I offered him to play some UC2 and fled the room.

What kind of games can I get for my PS3 which my parents or any person in their early 50s would play.

I have 2 DS3 controllers and don't own a move controller.
How about FIFA. I think it would be best for them and You can even get to enjoy a mom vs dad match. :)
I have no experience with PS personally, but the consoles have many casual games that can be played by elders and children. e.g. ratchet and clank may be suitable for them. There are some casual table tennis, badminton etc. that I played long back on PS3, I think when it was initially launched, at my friend's house.
Shared (single) screen multiplayer (4 players) -
1. Raymen Legends series
2. Ratchet and Clank series
3. Virtua Tennis
4. WWE (Kids enjoy it alot not sure about parents) ;)
5. Don Bradman Cricket (2 player)

Split Screen (upto 4 players)
- Blur (car racing)
- Army of two (shooting)
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