Suggest : PSP or iPod touch?

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hi guys, suggest me good console for me, i wanna use it mainly during ma long journeys(train n flight).. not much in to gaming, still play sometime, which is good for movies , music and long battery back up?
Movies , Music = iPod Touch

Gaming = PSP << Don't let anyone tell you otherwise >>

If you're not into hardcore games, go for the iPod , else the PSP it is...
My PSP gives me between 5-6 hours of gaming... the iPod would give you 20-30 hours of music , 6 hours or so of video and lesser for games.
how much would it costs for a used iPod touch? also there are many models for PSPs like 1000,2000 etc rite? whats the diff between those?
From gaming point of view there is not much but there is no point in thinking about 1000 and 2000 since they are not available unless you are planning to get a used one. I have a PSP 3004 unfortunately updated to firmware 6.31 so I am stuck with originals (but game prices have come down as well :) ). The PSP 2000 and 1000 can be modded but the 3000/3004 can be partially modded depending on the firmware. PSP is great for playing games and watching videos. Only problem, it is a portable gaming device which is uneasy to carry around thanks to it's size.

Hence, currently I am saving to buy an I-pod touch.
I'm planning to get a second hand one only... As I ll be using it seldom... So which model should I go for to get it hacked and run games from memory stick ...
Safest bet would be to get the original PSP 1000. Good for movies , games. Music too actually.. lasts around 10 hours but you'll need to get a big memory stick.
16GB memory stick but if you can get a Photofast adaptor , you can put two 16GB memory cards in it for 32GB storage. It'll be cheaper too.
PSP 1000 or PSP phat is difficult to find. I would recommend getting a modded PSP 2000. I think Deepak is/was selling his PSP 2000 in the Market section the thread is still open but one post does mention 'deal confirmed' but an open thread means you can try your luck.

@dhruvrock2000: How are you getting 10 hours? Did you change the battery or is it because you are playing from memory stick? I installed Gran Turismo onto my memory stick but all that did was reduce load time. I am still getting around 5-6 hours with lowest brightness. Please help.
Nope.. the PSP 3000 hack is not permanent. Everytime you reset the PSP , the hack is gone. If you can get a permanent hacked PSP 2000 , a bit difficult to find , you should go for that.

@prabs : Well i mentioned 10 hours for Audio...

but yeah... if you have a 2000 then you can get the extended battery for about 8-9 hours of gaming.
@dhruvrock2000: Sorry didn't see the fullstop and read it as one line.

@anish_sha: The hack/mod that you are talking about is no good. You can only put your psp in stand by mode, switching it off causes the mod to disappear. Check IVG for sellers.
prabs said:
@dhruvrock2000: Sorry didn't see the fullstop and read it as one line.

@anish_sha: The hack/mod that you are talking about is no good. You can only put your psp in stand by mode, switching it off causes the mod to disappear. Check IVG for sellers.
so better to go for PSP 2000 rite? as i am new to this...
there are two versions of the psp 2000. One can be fully hacked , the other can't... basically everytime you shut it down, the hack is lost. Trust me you don't want that.

Look for a fully hackable one even if it means 500 bucks extra..
dhruvrock2000 said:
there are two versions of the psp 2000. One can be fully hacked , the other can't... basically everytime you shut it down, the hack is lost. Trust me you don't want that.

Look for a fully hackable one even if it means 500 bucks extra..
how to know tht? any particular model number or something?
Get the new ipod touch 4g . Since you re not an hardcore gamer , you wont miss anything.
Loads of amazing games are available in the apple store for the ipod ( both free and paid ones) .
Plus ebay has very good deals on the new ipod touch .
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