Suggest : PSP or iPod touch?

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A friend of mine has bought a psp with the temporary mod and has been using it over a year by putting it in standby mode instead of turning it off.
So if you don't mind not turning it off then you can go for it without any problems unless the previous user was a merciless button smashing user (in short jallad).
Yeah that should work... but keep in mind , if you are getting the temporary hack PSP , it is often very hard to load the hack from a fake memory stick.. so once again ,its best if you get a fully hacked PSP.
dhruvrock2000 said:
Yeah that should work... but keep in mind , if you are getting the temporary hack PSP , it is often very hard to load the hack from a fake memory stick.. so once again ,its best if you get a fully hacked PSP.
if its fully hacked , no issues rite?
for gaming go for PSP, iPod touch is best but offers 8hr video, 40hr music and only 4hr gaming -if u into gaming go for PSP but after looking at the iPod's retina display, the PSP display sucks. (personal opinion)
^^ For movies maybe , but for games it is just fine. The games are optimized for the display.. just look at God of War and tell me it doesn;t look awesome ! :D

Plus games like Tekken , God of War , FIFA are best enjoyed with proper controls.
dude r u sure 3004 is not completely hackable? coz i called up some guys and they tell me its hacked and all...
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