Suggest some books

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Hi Guys,

I have recently gained some interest in reading books/novels ( Never imagined I would say this :P ), as I am fairly new to the whole book scene, I want you to recommend me some nice books.

I recently finished reading all Chetan bhagat's novels including his latest "2 States", I enjoyed reading all of them. I specially liked his use of the indian lingo in the language which made it both light and easy for me to read his books without getting too bored.

Then, I am also a Dan Brown fan. Da vinci code was the first novel I ever read although I enjoyed reading Angels and Demons more. I love reading consipercy theories.

I hope you got an idea of what kind of books i am into. Basically I want a book which is hard to put down, is a page turner and is enjoyable and funny at times.

This doesn't mean that I am not interested in Non-fiction. Infact I would love to read a book which can impart some knowledge and evoke my thought process. I recently purchased "The God Delusion" after reading many positive reviews, it looks good and I'll start reading it once I finish the current book I am reading.

So please start suggesting guys. :)
^^Yes, have already ordered it along with Into the wild and The Monk who sold his ferrari. I am currently reading "I too had a Love story" by Ravinder Singh. So far so good.

I have read many positive reviews about My friend Sancho, it is from the author of the India uncut Blog which in itself is a good blog, so my expectations are high from this one.

I am not really into crime novels, I would rather watch a movie than read a crime mystery. But on the other hand, a controversy theory or something to do with secret societies or something would be cool.

What are your favorite Indian Novels?
In fiction, if you like page turners give John Grisham a try, he is one of my favorite authors, some of his notable works include: the Firm, The pelican brief etc..

Freakonomics is good too :)
@bitsandpieces : Thanks for the recommendation, it seems really interesting. And at Rs. 95, I will surely give it a try.

@Aces : But doesn't he write crime novels? I am somehow not interested in reading crime novels for a simple reason that I have seen so many crime thriller movies that hardly anything he will churn out will surprise me. I am not sure if I'll enjoy reading him.

I am more into Dan brown type of stuff, secret societies, conspiracy theories etc.

Freakenomics seems interesting but I hope it isn't too heavy. I am not really looking to stress my mind as yet. :P
give archangel, the rule of four and the fist of god a try.
damn good books.

also try the twilight saga :bleh:
(i ve read them, not so bad)
Grisham was originally a courtroom drama lawyer...not crime as much

try his older books liek the firm, the partner, the pelican brief, the idea about newer books

try sherlock holmes, harry potter, foundation trilogy, bartimius trilogy
Matthew Reilly's books. Specifically Contest & Temple. Would put most of the Hollywood movies to shame with its action sequences. Leave your logic in a corner and have a fun read.
Read the bourne identity. The movie has changed the plot quite a bit. While the movie is excellent, I feel the book is a real masterpiece (which unfortunately is not true for any of ludlum's other books).
Bluffmaster said:
@bitsandpieces : Thanks for the recommendation, it seems really interesting. And at Rs. 95, I will surely give it a try.

@Aces : But doesn't he write crime novels? I am somehow not interested in reading crime novels for a simple reason that I have seen so many crime thriller movies that hardly anything he will churn out will surprise me. I am not sure if I'll enjoy reading him.

I am more into Dan brown type of stuff, secret societies, conspiracy theories etc.

Freakenomics seems interesting but I hope it isn't too heavy. I am not really looking to stress my mind as yet. :P

for grisham, try 'the partner'...dont worry it will surprise you:ohyeah:

conspiracy theory...dont know any dan brown type thats good though most esponage novels are conspiracy theories :p

freakonomics is an easy read, thats why its a bestseller :D
@Neoronin ans Roxtin

+1 to both of you. Matthew Reilly rocks big time!! And it was your suggestions that got me hooked to James Rollins.
Try Old Man and the Sea and Animal Farm. Both fall in the category of serious literature.

They are monumental books yet have less than 100 pages. That is easy to read and will help you find if you want to move onto the some serious stuff or just want something for light reading like Grisham, Dan Brown and Potter.
halo:Fall of reach, First Strike,Ghosts of Onyx,Contact Harvest,The Cole Protocol |
Jules Verne -Around the world in 80 days,20,000 leagues under the sea,Off on a comet,The mysterious island
| C.S Lewis -Chronicles of Narnia:The lion witch and the wardrobe,prince Caspian,dawn treader,the final battle,War of the Worlds
| J.k Rowling-HP 1-7,Quidditch through the ages,Fantastic beasts and where to find them
| J.R.R Tolkein -Lord of the Rings1-3,The hobbit
| Dan Brown-Da vinci code,angels and demons,Deception Point,Digital Fortress
| C. Paoloni-Eragon-Inheritence Series,Eldest,Brisingr | Tom Clancys -Ececutive Orders
| M.Crichton-Andromeda strain,the great train robbery,Jurassic Park,Timeline,Airframe,Congo,Eaters of the dead,Sphere,State of Fear,Prey
| Robert Ludlum-The Bourne Identity,Supremacy,Ultimatum | Issac Assimov-The Robots of Dawn
| Tarzan 1-2,king of the Jungle-Rudyard Kipling
| Bram Stoker-Dracula | Hannibal Raising | Star Trek series
If u like fantasy fiction start from Hary potter series and proceed to lord of the rings9a masterpiece) then u get everything like inheritance series from Christopher paoloni to Beowulf if u can manage to read.

science/ Fiction:Start with Jules verne, M Crichton is a good author, Issac Asimov is a must read, The ring Series, Clive Clusser, mario Puzo(book is 100 time better than film)..

Avoid Tom Clancy's (some)books-too much of flaming of countries other than america, tht guy thinks the land outside US borders are piece of shit.

Robert Ludlm is Ok

Dan Brown books always ends on bed with couples......but very intresting.

For putting u to slep.........Anna Karenina
i prefer real life stories..

i suggest

a book called Rigged by ben mezrich and also do read lance amrstrongs book..its good too
Wow! Thanks for all the suggestion guys. I have bookmarked this page. Will definitely keep the list in mind the next time I order.

I have read some rave reviews about "Life of Pi", is it really that good? As far as the Non fiction is considered, how is "Jinnah" the controversial book by jaswant singh?

Also want to read "Shantaram", is it any good?

Please recommend me books from Indian authors. Preferably stories set around college life.

Keep adding guys, this is certainly helpful. :)
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