Suggest some good multiplayer maps for CS 1.6!

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We have been playing CS 1.6 from 2-3 months on LAN me and 7 other players. We were playing minidust2 from quite a while. Got bored from it please suggest me some good short maps for multiplayer
I prefer Dust, Dust2, Office, Aztec, Nuke..

Multiplayer Maps should be big.. Then, there is Fun... :P
Among my favorites I would suggest Chateau, Inferno, Vertigo and if you want to go bang bang then Aztecworld
Even aztec is a pretty decent map along with dust2006.

Also if you like dust2 then try pl_nightdust2, same map with night lights and some more vantage points.
naah these maps are very big we want maps with only 1 bmb site and no hostage rescue plzzz suggst and from where can i dwnld the pl_nightdust2 map
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