Suggest: Which CMS to use ?


PC enthusiast since MS DOS 5
Dear Friends,

I need your suggestion to choose a proper CMS (Content Management System) for a Company website.

Platform: PHP+MySQL
Looking for a light CMS to host a Company Profile website.

The site is of a Company that provides electronic devices and instruments used in College/University Labs. (Your know those 8085/8 Kits, Measurement devices etc.)

It will have -
  • Front Page
  • About page
  • Product Category
  • Product List
  • Product Details
  • Service List
  • Service Details
  • Contact Form
  • No online purchasing or such transactions
  • No user registration. Only one or two back-end Admin.
  • No Forum/Community things needed.
I want to use CMS so that, I can just make-up the structure and let them type and edit the content themselves.
Joomla is good, but, will be too heavy for such small and simple website.
No need for user registration and management :(

Drupal but I don't like any single Drupal template which can be used as Company's website. All of them are Blog type :(
I never worked with any of these eCommerce based CMS -
Open Source eCommerce Scripts - opensourceCMS
eCommerce, but no eCommerce thing, I mean - no commercial transaction.

I am looking for a CMS that will look just like web-hosting company website.

Please suggest.... I am confused.
Both are pretty good CMS and can be customized to whatever you want it to be (In terms of looks).

If you would need custom components, Joomla might be a better choice. And it has a ecommerce component - Virtuemart.
his kind of req believe me cmsmadesimple should do a decent job, Joomla has a little more admin kind of approach, cmsmadesimple a noob can start it without any hassles.
Drupal is more robust but has a steep learning curve! You have to customize the template as most of the templates in Drupal need some serious aesthetic touch up.

Wordpress has the least learning curve. It has some decent free templates around. If you have the content ready, you can set up a complete website in 3-4 hours.

My suggestion would be to go with Wordpress.