suggestion for a new rig..!

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Hi Guys!

First of all thanks to all for helping me out in suggesting a perfect rig and in resolving all my queries. I finally bought the PC last week and it works awesome awesome!! Thanks to all :) here I am .. again .. looking for some more help on a new rig for my friend. Hoping to get help from all of you once again :)

So, here it goes...

1. Q: What is your budget?
1. 40K

2. Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
1. None. This would be his first desktop purchase EVER!

3. Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
1. None

4. Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
1. Nothing decided. He said he would want to buy an Intel Configuration and not take chances with AMD (i know some people here would bang their head...once DarkAngel :) ) as this is his first desktop purchase EVER!! and he knows nothing about AMD ...

5. Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
1. This would be final and he would like to keep this for as long as he can.

6. Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
1. Delhi, Nehru Place

7. Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
1. No

8. Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
1. Same as mine. 3D animation development. Modeling/Rigging/Rendering/Animating. Would be using softwares like Autodesk Maya 2010, 3DS Max, Photoshop and a couple of other substitute softwares.

9. Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
1. AMD. Don't know anything about it!

10. Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
1. High end graphic games. Latest games.

11. Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
1. 1980 x 1080 (or whatever is recommended for idea about that!)

12. Q: Are you looking to overclock?
1. No

13. Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
1. Windows 7

Thanks :hap2:
Components Description Price (INR)
Processor AMD Athlon II X4 630(2.8Ghz, 4 cores, 2MB Cache) 5100
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-MA785GMT-US2H 5500
RAM 4(2*2GB) 1333MHz Kingston DDRIII RAM 5400
HDD 500 GB WD Blue 2350
GPU MSI HD4850 512MB DDR3 6800
Monitor Benq G2220HD 7600
Cabinet CM Elite 310 1550
PSU/SMPS Corsair VX450 3800
Key Board Logitech MMKB 400
Mouse Gigabyte GM6880 Laser Mouse 900
ODD L.G. GH22NS30 /Samsung SH-S22F SATA DVD-Writer 1100
Speakers Altec Lansing 2.1 BXR1121 1100
Total 41600

This AMD rig should do fine for his needs.

Or this one for the Intel fan boys :@ Cant believe i am suggesting a LGA-775, DDR2 based rig for 40k:no:

Processor Intel Q8300 (2.5 GHz 1333MHz,4 MB,LGA 775) 7300
Motherboard Gigabyte G41ME-S2L 2300
RAM 4(2*2GB) 800MHz Kingston DDRII RAM 4100
Total 39300
ah...i'm sorry himself is struck on intel.

i'm surprised u did'nt suggest i3 or i5 in his budget...?? any specific reasons for that?

And the nvidia or Radeon??
actually, the gpu is ATI radeon, and manufacturer is MSI

and since the purpose is pure gaming, this proccy is better than i3
cooler2005 said:
ah...i'm sorry himself is struck on intel.

i'm surprised u did'nt suggest i3 or i5 in his budget...?? any specific reasons for that?

And the nvidia or Radeon??

3D animation development. Modeling/Rigging/Rendering/Animating. Would be using softwares like Autodesk Maya 2010, 3DS Max, Photoshop and a couple of other substitute softwares.
A quad is absolute must for this. You can go for i-5 750(9.8k)+P-55 mobo(5.5k)+ 4GB DDR3(5.4k) RAM, but then it exceeds your budget by 5-6k~.
Either you have to sacrifice the GPU and go for i-5 750 or stick to C2Q and get a decent GPU. Else you have to increase the budget :P

called him up..he says he can go for i5 as it is one of the latests...he can do away with the GPU as of now...can u suggest a decent intel p55 motherboard with it?

everything else in the rig seems perfect to me ...

the GPU u suggested me was Sapphire 512MB DDR5 HD5670..what is the diff between these two??
^The HD5670 is DX11 card. Lower power consumption, 40nm fab. The HD4850 is previous generation DX10 card but more powerful than the HD5670 and also consumes more power.

CPU: Core i5 - 750 ~ 9.8k
MOBO: Intel DP55WB ~ 5.4k
RAM: Kingston 4Gb(2*2GB) DDRIII 1333MHz ~ 5.4k

But the P-55 mobo doesn't have a IGP. So you should go for a dedicated GPU like the MSI Nvidia 8400GS/ MSI ATI HD4350 512MB DDR2 ~ 1.8k.

well then don't u think i should go with the one which consumes lesser power and is compatible with latest DX technology as this guy would be playing latest games..??

i might persuade him to buy a decent GPU which could build his final rig instead of investing in a "MSI Nvidia 8400GS/ MSI ATI HD4350 512MB DDR2".

but are'nt there any motherboards with onboard IGP for core i5?? from intel or other than intel??
cooler2005 said:

well then don't u think i should go with the one which consumes lesser power and is compatible with latest DX technology as this guy would be playing latest games..??

i might persuade him to buy a decent GPU which could build his final rig instead of investing in a "MSI Nvidia 8400GS/ MSI ATI HD4350 512MB DDR2".

but are'nt there any motherboards with onboard IGP for core i5?? from intel or other than intel??

Intel H55, H57 and Q57: New chipsets for Clarkdale processors - Intel H55, H57, Q57, Chipset, Clarkdale, Core i3, Core i5 - PC Games Hardware

If you want i-5 750 then you have to buy a cheap discrete GPU. You can always sell that later. No LGA-1156 socket mobo has IGP in them. Te H55, H57 and Q-57 mobo can just make use of the Clarkdale on-die CPU graphics unit. (which the newer 32nm fab dual core i-3,i-5 has)

The HD4850 is more powerful GPU than the HD5670 but it depends on the user. What he needs is important. As he has never had PC and not regular gaming experience even the HD5670 would suffice but it cant support demanding games at HD resolution with all settings at high. If you are willing to lower the settings and the resolution then it would do fine.
"If you want i-5 750 then you have to buy a cheap discrete GPU. You can always sell that later".

where where?? why would nehru place dealers buy such an old GPU? :) just a thought...

"No LGA-1156 socket mobo has IGP in them. Te H55, H57 and Q-57 mobo can just make use of the Clarkdale on-die CPU graphics unit. (which the newer 32nm fab dual core i-3,i-5 has)"

but i thought i5 does not have an IGP like i3 has..?? what does "on die" exactly mean? is it made to use when the GPU attached fails to function or something??

The HD4850 is more powerful GPU than the HD5670 but it depends on the user. What he needs is important. As he has never had PC and not regular gaming experience even the HD5670 would suffice but it cant support demanding games at HD resolution with all settings at high. If you are willing to lower the settings and the resolution then it would do fine.

is it so ? inspite of being an older generation GPU?? he does go to the nearest game arcade to play his fav games nearly everyday!!...COD etc he has a full fledged gaming experience.

i don't get it...a GPU with DX11..same memory....but not upto the level of an older generation GPU which used old technology....? kindly elaborate...:)

cooler2005 said:
where where?? why would nehru place dealers buy such an old GPU? :) just a thought...

You can buy / sell 2d hand stuff in the member's market in TE
cooler2005 said:
but i thought i5 does not have an IGP like i3 has..?? what does "on die" exactly mean? is it made to use when the GPU attached fails to function or something??

Yes core i-5 quads dont have IGP like i-5 duals coz i-3, i-5(dual cores) are newer tech in which intel interated CPU and GPU(IGP).

cooler2005 said:
is it so ? inspite of being an older generation GPU?? he does go to the nearest game arcade to play his fav games nearly everyday!!...COD etc he has a full fledged gaming experience.

i don't get it...a GPU with DX11..same memory....but not upto the level of an older generation GPU which used old technology....? kindly elaborate...:)

Coz there is something called Shader Processors, Texture Units,Color ROPs, Memory Bus, Transistor count etc... Why do you think HD5670 with equal amount of memory priced more than the HD5450? Its for the same reason that the HD4850 is priced more than the HD5670. Go through some tech sites if you are interested in learning about them.
cooler2005 said:
can i not consider 250GTS or 9800GT for this purpose?? how are they compared to the one u've mentioned?

Yes you can consider the GTS 250 instead of the HD4850. Both cards are on par with each other. The 9800GT is less powerful than both GTS250 and HD4850
I suggest:-

XFX HD4850 4512MB GDDR3 XXX @ 6.5k

Factory OC, dual-slot cooler, and a sweet price tag.


Corsair VX450W @ 3.8k
DarkAngel said:
^ Yes, the VX450 will handle it with ease.

nice! :)

another thing...

I'm planning to buy a 2.1 set for myself. I've shortlisted a couple of speakers for me. kindly tell me which one is the best among them in terms of sound quality..

(1) AL BXR1121
(2) AL BXR1221 - not impressed at all by it's looks and sound quality
(3) AL VS2621
(4) AL VS2421
(5) Creative SBS 300
(6) iball Tarang 2.1
(7) any other you want to suggest...??

I'm looking to buy a cheaper range of speakers...and i can only stretch my lmits to AL VS2421 which is ~2.4K . Let me know the best speakers available within this range. (cheaper the better)

Thanks a lot.

PS: I've had issues with my previous PC like hissing sound at the time when i move my mouse or any processing takes place. Plz tell me the reason for that also..i has creative inspire 4.1 earlier. To rectify that problem i had to attach an addition sound card which was very cheap (.3K)

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