31-40k Suggestion for Core i5 PC

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Guys I am building the following rig.

CPU : Core i5 3330 Rs 11000

MB : Gigabyte GA H77-D3H Rs 5600

Ram : Gskill Ripjaws Z 8 Gb 1600 Mhz Rs 3100

SSD : OCZ Vertex 4 128GB RS 7350

Cabinet : NZXT GAMMA Rs 2100

Power Supply : Cooler Master GX 450 W Rs3100

Monitor Benq GW 2250HM 21.5 HD Rs 8400

Graphic Card GTX 650 (later ) Rs7500

I will be using this for accounting,playing todays latest games,movies,downloading etc.My PC is mostly on 24 hrs.

I have some queries. I request ALPHA17 to please help me out.

First of all as I am using a H77 chipset board ,will I be missing some latest features of a Z77 board ? I will not be overclocking anytime.

Secondly whats the performance of a OCZ Agility 3 SSD 120GB(this is around 1000 rs less) compared to the above SSD.

Thirdly I have mentioned the CM GX 450 W PS. Will this Suffice. Also aren't there any other Indian Brand/Co PS which give the same performance but cheaper.

Fourth : Any Cabinet other than Gamma having USB 3 front port of the same price or any USB 3 Attachment for NzXt Gamma

Fifth: Graphic Card upto Rs 6000 which can play the latest games.

Anything which I left out which you think is important
Thanks in advance
@fuzail where are you based?

Go for the OCZ Vertex4 over the Agility, more than performance difference it is the reliability that matters and that is where the former scores higher than the latter.

OCZ Vertex4 vs. OCZ Agility3 Benchmark Run --> AnandTech - Bench - SSD.

This is what I suggest --
Intel Core i5 3450 ~11500/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/- (instead of the GIGABYTE-H77-D3H that you have short-listed)
RAM checks out
Monitor checks out
OCZ Vertex4 over the Agility 3
SMPS checks out
What all games do you intend to play because depending on this requirement and on how long you wish to avoid upgrading the setup it will be much better to get a more powerful card (talking of the GTX660) OR thereabouts and keeping that in mind the SMPS might need a bump up.
Stick to the NZXT Gamma and you can go with this attachment to get USB 3.0 forward ports --> Sedna Usb 3.0 3 Port Hub Card Reader For Floppy E

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
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Thanks for Your Reply Alpha17
I am based in Mumbai and the rates are of Lamington Road.

Can you tell me why have you suggested a B75 chipset board over the H77 and Z77

Avoiding upgrading for almost 3 years

This budget i have after thinking of Buying a Lenovo B340 AIO. But they have packed crap like H61 chipset in AIO

Also any Cheaper PS giving the same performance
I am based in Mumbai and the rates are of Lamington Road.

Can you tell me why have you suggested a B75 chipset board over the H77 and Z77

This budget i have after thinking of Buying a Lenovo B340 AIO. But they have packed crap like H61 chipset in AIO

Also any Cheaper PS giving the same performance

Well because the B75 based motherboard offers everything mid-range H77 based offerings are giving you (except for fewer SATA ports), is cheaper and fits your bill. The Z77 chipset is too expensive to be compared and hence I would rather avoid bringing them into debate.

If you want to avoid upgrade for the next 3 years OR so, I suggest that you go for a GTX660 OR HD7870 so that gaming can be taken care of without loss of too much eye-candy. And for that a Seasonic S12II 520W SMPS is a minimum.

If you feel a H77 based motherboard is more credible for your needs, go for the Intel DH77-KC.

Well you have to cut corners to make things affordable whilst maintaining a profit margin for the corporation and its OEM(s).

Did not get the meaning of the last sentence. Please reiterate.

Hope this answers your query. Cheerio!
If you're going for a 15k GPU then Seasonic S12ii 520W-4.3k is what you'd get,No need to compromise on psu.If you're sticking to GPU under 9k then Corsair CX430V2-2.4k would be a good choice.
My Last sentence query was about the Power Supply. Any cheaper one with the same performance.
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