Suggestion regardin In ear Phones

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Folks i need ur sugesstion regarding in earphones i already own EP-630's but looking out for something better i have gone ahead and checked some but i need suggestions from u also coz TE folks rock:)
so here goes ma list

1) Audio Technica ATH CK5 priced around 950/-
2) KOSS Spark Plug priced around 1200/-

I am looking out for under 1.5K ear phones i know Ep-630 rocks :hap2:
which one is better folks :huh:
By better, what exactly do you want ? More bass ? More soundstage ?

Please mention the type of music you listen to so that the experts here can make a more informed decision.

Of the two earphones that you have shortlisted, the Audio Technica lacks bass. So if you liked the bass of the EP-630, you will find it missing in the CK-5. The midrange is better that the EP-630 though and I believe the sound is wider than the narrow sound of the EP-630.

The Koss Sparkplugs are very different from the AT CK-5 as day is different from Night ! They are heavily loaded on the bass side at the expense of everything else ! Don't get me wrong, many people swear by them, but others say the Ep-630 is a step up !
i aggree tat EP-630's are awesome but isnt there anyother in earphones which are better than these i listen to lot of trance and hip hop :)
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