[SUGGESTION] What to order ???

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Insanely Idiotic
Hiya peeps,
Sorry if this thread is in the wrong section but i though it would fit the general section....
Now to the point,My brother is coming from canada on 21st this month

I was thinking of what to order so he can bring along
Suggest guys ?? I'm a gadget freak so maybe something electronic ??

HELP ME !! :ashamed:

MY suggestions. They are not gadgets though and the links/rates are from US sites.

PC/Laptop RAM is almost half price when compared to local rates. Downside is no local warranty. Graphics cards and SSDs are somewhat cheap too.

Watches. Choose the brand which has local presence in India as you will have to visit the service centre sometime down the line. Lots of sites to choose from. jomashop,nywatchstore,newegg,amazon. Compare with online Indian rates at ghadiwala.

Headphones/earphones etc.
I recently got myself a Sennheiser HD202 so i guess,no headphones

I think a watch is a good idea....

And plus my brother is a HITLER,he'll only bring stuff that is useful for me...:@

Maybe a tablet ??
kippu said:
since you are a self professed gadget freak , shouldnt you know what you want ?

LOL,if it would have been just 1 thing that i wanted then i wouldn't have posted here for suggestions.... :no:
From my ordered list for 2011 :

Amazon :

Citizen Eco-Drive watch (was almost double the prize here). I got it on sale when it dropped by 100$.
Habitrol Nicotine Quit Smoking Gum
Hi-Tec Altitude Hiking Shoes
Toslink Optical Cables
4x2 TOSlink Splitter (for splitting PS3/HTPC/ACRyan out to amp and Ear force)
Ear Force DSS 7.1 Channel Dolby Surround Sound Processor
Timberland Formal Shoes
PlayStation Move Controller
Etymotic Research MC5 Noise Isolating In-Ear Earphones
Sapphire Radeon HD6950 2GB
Victorinox Swiss Army Champion Plus Pocket Knife + SWISS ARMY X-Large Zermatt Pouch with Steel
JBuds J3M Micro Atomic In-Ear Earphones with Microphone
Steel-Bow Bullworker

Braun Body Epilator :P

BB 9650 (without camera) (ebay.com)

And there were a few items that i couldn't/wasn't allowed to buy..

PS3 SharpShooter
18" Laptop
64GB SSD for primary boot drive.
Seagate GoFlex Net
Denon AVR-1912 7.1 Channel Network Streaming A/V Home Theater Receiver

@amul_capri....Hmm,long list to choose from..Thnx :ashamed:

@JuGGa,If i do order it it'll somehow get lost on mumbai airport itself....and u suddenly might see all the washrooms OOCUPIED :rofl:
YashBhatt said:
@JuGGa,If i do order it it'll somehow get lost on mumbai airport itself....and u suddenly might see all the washrooms OOCUPIED :rofl:

:rofl: Cover karke laane ka baba :ohyeah: ;)

And leave airport staffs, what about your hitler brother? :bleh:
@OP Pass me the credit card details to me or other TE member we will do the honors of ordering :P.

Seriously when u do not know what to order then why order.
@JuGGa,thts an option but yea my bro....:@

@Metalspree,i get ur point but u know my brother is coming after 7yrs and its like "g**nd mein khujlee hai mujhe kuch order karne ki" :P
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