90K+ Suggestions for a Gaming/Workstation build

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Hi all,

With Ryzen just launched i'm looking for a fresh build for gaming and cg/vfx work..


  1. What is your budget?
    • 1,00,000 K
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • Benq 2420
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - Benq 2420
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • Everything except for a keyboard and mouse
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • Final build for a couple of years
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Mumbai
    • Would prefer Primeabgb
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming
    • Browsing
    • Desktop Processing
    • Watching HD movies
    • Workstation
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • I would prefer Ryzen around now. no preorders, would prefer stuff which is available right now.
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Just about everything.
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. 1920x1080
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • Not right now, maybe in a year.
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7 64 bit

P.S - If it is possible, a second monitor would be great in this budget.24-27 inch preferred.
Why don't you call PrimeABGB and ask if they actually have Ryzen CPUs and the mobo you want in stock right now? (And let us know here too please) :)
Did you do any of your own research about what parts you want to get? I think you should spend a few days searching and reading up online based on what you need right now and what you plan to do after a couple of years (like partial upgrade your system or completely buy new build later on? what about going to 4K/UHD monitor/gaming later on) etc.

Here's my opinion (hope others chime in to correct me with their own inputs) to spend less now so that you can either get your second monitor now or save up for an upgrade a couple of years down the line:

1. Get the base 1700 CPU (non-X models) since it's the best bang for the buck, it is also "unlocked" and can be (kind of) overclocked if you want to try a little OC later on. (Cost 26k)

2. Get a mid-level B350 mobo instead of the X370 and save around Rs. 15k. Pick between either the ASUS "Prime B350-Plus" or the Gigabyte "AB350 Gaming 3", the latter seems to be more stable compared to the former, but I like the former's better USB ports (for example), and I am hoping ASUS will improve with BIOS/driver updates within a few weeks. Also when choosing a mobo, read the specs on the mobo manufacturer's page for things like, if you use some slots then other slots get disabled or reduced speeds and so on. Details like, B350 chipset only supports AMD CrossFire and not nVidia SLI, so if you are really into nVidia go for X370 based mobos. (Cost 9k)

3. Get some basic DDR4 RAM - I would say 16 GB in the form of two 8GB sticks (dual channel kit) - I have G.Skill Ripjaws V (basic 2133 mhz speed) - not worth spending for higher speeds (again bang for buck). Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (Cost 7k). (Maybe get 32GB 8x4 kit for 14k if you need it for CG/VFX?)

4. Get a good sized (500 GB) SSD like the Samsung 850 Evo or Crucial MX300 series for around 15-16k since you want to CG/VFX and I guess you will need the high speed disk space. (Cost 16k)

5. GPU - I see the nVidia 1080s are around 50k range while the AMD RX480 is around half that price - for 1080p gaming I would suggest getting an RX 480 card since it supports FreeSync and you can get an LG FreeSync monitor if you want. Don't bother with CrossFire/SLI (dual GPU) now you can replace your GPU later on with the latest and greatest. (Cost around Rs. 25k)

6. Cabinet and PSU - I guess you should pick a cabinet to your liking. PSU people seem to be recommending SeaSonic brand - hope someone elaborates here on the model and wattage needed. You should be able to get them off primeABGB too.

7. Not sure if you want to use the built-in mobo sound or get a sound card with good 2.1 speakers.

Rough cost of above is around Rs. 80-85k for only the CPU, mobo, RAM, GPU and SSD - add more for cabinet, PSU etc. You could sell your current monitor and get an LG FreeSync if you want.

Sorry it's not very specific recommendations and hopefully others will chime in with their comments too, but again, I would recommend you spend a few days researching on your own exactly what you want and how much of your budget you want to allocate to different parts.

And, BTW, just today morning I placed an order off PrimeABGB for a Ryzen 1700 CPU, ASUS Prime B350-Plus mobo, a cheap Antec VSK4000 cabinet and Antec VP550P 550w PSU, all for a total of Rs. 40k - going to move my existing RAM/SSD/GPU off my Skylake box into this new box to see what all the hype is about :D
Hopefully this will be a future-proof config where you can simply replace the CPU with Zen2, the GPU with a 4K/UHD gaming capable one and double the RAM from 16GB to 32GB and so on, if that's your plan.
Haven't completely decided on ryzen/Intel yet

Here is the current Intel build I had in mind.

i5 7600k
i5 7600

Asrock z270 pro4
Gigabyte GA-B250M-D3H

Cryorig h5

Gskill tridentz rgb 2x8gb 3200

Seasonic s12g 550w

Nzxt h440

Sapphire nitro+ rx480 8gb
Any decently priced gtx 1070 8gb

Crucial bx200 480gb
Wd or Seagate 2 tb

Still going through the ryzen discussions to make up my mind.. Hopefully I'll fix up my mind by tomorrow.
Cool. I would suggest a Ryzen over i5 any day but if you're going Intel try to get an i7 if it fits in your budget. Anyhoos, good luck with your build!
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Haven't completely decided on ryzen/Intel yet

Here is the current Intel build I had in mind.

i5 7600k
i5 7600

Asrock z270 pro4
Gigabyte GA-B250M-D3H

Cryorig h5

Gskill tridentz rgb 2x8gb 3200

Seasonic s12g 550w

Nzxt h440

Sapphire nitro+ rx480 8gb
Any decently priced gtx 1070 8gb

Crucial bx200 480gb
Wd or Seagate 2 tb

Still going through the ryzen discussions to make up my mind.. Hopefully I'll fix up my mind by tomorrow.

Go for 1700 instead of the i7 if u are using it as a work station also already replaced my 3770k build with ryzen and zero regret this chip is amaizng

Easily OC's to 3.8 with no effort at all.
i'd suggest going for S340 instead 440 isn't that great for cabinet.
1070 prices are dropping and is a great value

if u have no plans to SLI then the Gigabyte gaming 3 mobo is plenty for the build .
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Budget -100.5K

AMD Ryzen R7 1700 -25000,
Asus Prime X370-Pro -13000,
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB(8GBx2) 3000Mhz -10000,
Seasonic M12II 620w Evo -7000,
Cooler Master Seidon 120V Plus -5000,
Corsair SPEC ALPHA -4000,
WD Caviar Blue 1TB -3500,
Samsung 850 EVO 250GB SSD -7000,
Zotac GTX1060 6GB Mini -21000,
Cooler Master Master Keys Lite -5000.
TOTAL -1,00,500.
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