Suggestions for "Movies that leave you Stumped!"

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Saw 1 & 2 (i swear at the end you will be shouting WTF a few times! :P) (a bit gory stuff though)

I watched The Others recently, had a nice ending.

Then there is:

The Illusionist

Fight Club

The Shawshank Redemption (THE best movie ever created :))

Cant remember anything else.
vij said:
ButterFly Effect 1 & 2

Pardon my query but the reception of the 2nd movie wasn't as good as the first one isn't it?

I saw the Butterfly Effect I and was quite watchable.
Gannu said:
Pardon my query but the reception of the 2nd movie wasn't as good as the first one isn't it?

I saw the Butterfly Effect I and was quite watchable.

Butterfly effect 2 is nowhere near the first part. Blame it on stupid plot and bad actors.

Btw.. there is a Butterfly effect 3 too, apparently its a very low budget film so I am not sure if its any good.
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