CPU/Mobo suggestions for upgrade

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my budget is 33k...so plzz sugest mobo , procy and ram:ohyeah:

cpu preferred i7 series:hap2:
mobo preferred msi , asus:cool2:

thanks in advane
You said you have to wait. But you don't want to r8 ? :P If your E6600 is doing good, then won't it be cool to be the 1st i9 owner in TE eh ? :P
sabby said:
You said you have to wait. But you don't want to r8 ? :P If your E6600 is doing good, then won't it be cool to be the 1st i9 owner in TE eh ? :P

Digitimes quoted that core i9 will retail for 1500$. Moreover its scheduled for q2 2010 . The date may be postponed to q3/q4 2010 like i5,i7 this year.

There won't be even 2% gain from a quad core when core i9 comes in gaming because most games are optimised for multi core(Quad) not designed for it.

Sell ur cpu and mobo,ram and jump in i5,i7 series if u have the money.

Moreover u have to change only cpu ,mobo and ram as ur psu is vx 550w and gpu is ati 5870.

Here goes :
Cpu : Core i5 750 - 10.2k/Core i7 860 - 14k
Mobo : Gigabyte GA P55m UD2 - 7k ( If u have no intention of Sli/CF)
MSI P55-GD65 - 10.5k ( If u have intention of Sli/CF)
Ram : Corsair XMS3 1600 mhz 2x2gb - 7.5k

Total - 25k-27k/28k-30k

Note core i7 860/i5 750 much better than i7 920. This setup will last u 1.5 - 2yrs years of full glory.
Then what about i5/i7 32nm ?? They are coming this jan-feb aren't they ? Lower TDP, i5 with HT... I donno, your call doc. :)
See dude nothing personal against u , i just posted what i felt.

Its will be core i5 and core i3 32nm dual core HT enabled not i7

Core i5 650, 660 and 670, clocking in at 3.2, 3.33 and 3.46 GHz respectively and Core i3 530 and 540.

U r right i5 750 and i7 860 will have lower TDP but then again how many of our forum members bought Lower TDP Core 2 Quads(Q9550S,Q9400S,Q8200S etc)

So u expect 32nm core i5 and core i3 dual cores to snatch crown from 45nm core i5 and core i7 huh !!

Be practical , its not going to happen.
Went to chandni chowk 2day they said i7 860 shud be available by end november or early December.

If u can't wait take i7 860 from lynx.

See if u r into animation, 3d rendering then i7 860 makes sense , otherwise there no need for i7 860 just grab i5 750.

In gaming i5 750 and i7 860 are equal.
^^^^ thanks mate for the info....my pc is totally for gaming and watching movies and nothing else...buying i5 750 makes sense and i will overclock it.....
i5 750 eyes closed as it is much better than Core i7 920.

For i5:

Mobo : Gigabyte GA P55m UD2 - 7k ( If u have no intention of Sli/CF)

MSI P55-GD65 - 10.5k ( If u have intention of Sli/CF)

For i7:

Mobo : MSI X58 pro - 11.3k

Go with i5 keeping in mind that i9 will retain around 1500$
Call the Vedant guys. They were the only shop who could give me the phenom II within 2 weeks of its US launch. But if you wanna crossfire, i7 would be better. No P55 chipset has 16x CFX functionality. Otherwise i5 is a go.
sabby said:
Call the Vedant guys. They were the only shop who could give me the phenom II within 2 weeks of its US launch. But if you wanna crossfire, i7 would be better. No P55 chipset has 16x CFX functionality. Otherwise i5 is a go.

I agree with u on vedant. They have i5 750 in stock and the gigabyte board also.

if there was No P55 chipset with 16x CFX functionality then intel wud die.

If u don't know something then its not bad but spreading incorrect knowledge is sin.

MSI P55-GD65 - 10.5k ( If u have intention of Sli/CF) has 16x CFX functionality.

I already mentioned in my early posts ,i referred 2 mobos with and without CF/SLI feature @ 16x

Mobo : Gigabyte GA P55m UD2 - 7k ( If u have no intention of Sli/CF)
MSI P55-GD65 - 10.5k ( If u have intention of Sli/CF)
i know vedant guys very well..(ranbir)..i usuallt buy stuffs from that shop....for msi i will buy directly from tirupati...thanks guys,,,,
so decided

i5 750

msi p55 gd 65

now comes the memory??????

whats the price of corsair ddr3 1333mhz or any other brand ?????

is ocz available in kolkata...velocity compu sytems told me they are keeping ocz products...
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