Suggestions needed to use time..!!

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My Exams, Interviews and stuff got over yesterday & I have some 10-12 days to burn.. Initially when I was busy I was dying to watch movies, series and stuff and now that I am free, I find it boring. So I intend to use this time wisely rather than getting bored and sleeping it off. Even Wimbledon is a week away and India out of WC so nothing on TV either.

Thought of reading some books but reading books whole day :S and hobbies - honestly don't remember any hobbies since I started my engineering :no:

I am total n00b in case of Web Desgining / Photoshop (Never tried) though I would love to learn it. I know Google has millions of repositories for this need. But a planned approach would be useful.

Anyways this Photoshopping, Designing etc just came to my mind so posted that. I don't enjoy much of Coding so don't intend to learn languages. Besides my career now on, would be in the field of management.

Any other thought provocative & compelling ideas are welcomed.

Start watching some TV show BBT, Battle Star Galactica and House are good if u have not seen it already.

Just noticed ur bored of movies so you can watch documentaries I have some if you want.
1) Sleep! as much as u can......once u start working at that time u would want to sleep and hope u had time to sleep more.......this is the only thing i do on my weekends...

2) go for evening walks

3) if u like biking , go for a bike ride
Write a long story. Not only will it improve your writing skills but it will also be a very nice and productive timepass. Write something close to your heart, like your autobiography or about your experiences in college or how you met your love or something like that. It will keep you occupied and by the end of it, you would have created something you will cherish for life.
@TV and Movies & docs :- I have plenty of those but I don't feel like watching those.. I am already criticized for being on PC whole day watching something or other :(

@Going on Vacation :- Well my friends and I are planning for something but I am sure it won't materialise :bleh: and travel alone ?? In this scorching summer ? :o

@Sleep :- Oh i am doing that since like 2 days and now I think I need something else..

@Bluffy :- Damn I can't write, Even writing a decent essay is mentally exhausting for me. Writing a story, I don't think I am cut out for that. ;)

Just got back.. Was hanging out at CCD with friends till 3 , watched Angels and demons :ohyeah:

Seriously something that will be helpful.. TV shows , movies.. that can be done anytime..
1. How about a vacation? Goa is not far away from pune. ;)

2. You can also try your hand at cooking. Cooking is a very relaxing and satisfying thing to do. Join a cooking class, learn from videos or learn from your Mom. It will not only help you in the longer run but will also impress your lady ;)

3. You can also sweat it out in a Gym. Join a good Gym with hot chicks, you can easily kill around 4 hrs. in a day.

4. Since you are a Movie junkie, why don't you start writing reviews for the movies you love or hate? You don't need to have any writing skills to write a good review. It will be a cool thing to have for personal collection. You can ofcourse share it on the internet too.

5. Join some Fantasy league on internet. I once joined a WWE Fantasy league when I was young, trust me it was addictive and super fun.
Try and learn Photoshop ,incase you are interested. It can be a really fun learning experience.:ohyeah:
just mess around with various brushes and tools in PS .If you need to start from basics get some Fundamental video tutorials(you know where to find them ;) ) and guides for Photoshop.
There are lots of links and material on TE too,checkout graphics and eyecandy section.
Cooking - Naaah :bleh:

Gym - Yes, thats a good option.. Need to lose some weight :|

I really need to start a blog, Been procrastinating since 2 yrs :(
But then I start thinking as to what will i write, Will it be good enough and what not :|

FaH33m said:
Try and learn Photoshop ,incase you are interested. It can be a really fun learning experience.:ohyeah:
just mess around with various brushes and tools in PS .If you need to start from basics get some Fundamental video tutorials(you know where to find them ;) ) and guides for Photoshop.
There are lots of links and material on TE too,checkout graphics and eyecandy section.

Lynda Videos - not a problem.. But yeah I will have to start from Basics.. That reminds me, I havent even installed Photoshop..

Is there any structured course which I can follow on timely basis so that I don't get bored and chicken out after 2-3 days..
^I see that you have great interest in Movies and TV. Why not Blog about that? There are so many things you can mention there like your favorite movies/TV, reviews, previews, trailers, your favorite scenes etc. Actually there are a lot of options and you can do anything but you just need a will to do it. :P
Start with's " PS CS4- One on One fundamentals " which covers the very basic of PS like settings ..layering etc.

If you find it interesting , then you can try's CS4 Essential training DVD. which is more of related to post processing of photo's, RAW processing,special effects,automation etc. :)

both the tutorials are structured and divided into different modules you can watch them and try it at your convenience.
@Bluffy :- Seriously, have to take initiative and start a blog, not matter how crappy it is or it will be :|

@Faheem :- Thanx, onto it ;)

@Amaresh :- That would mean buying a atleast half decent camera :bleh:
You could try going through some of the guides here at TE, there is a mix of some really useful and interesting stuff.
@Amaresh :- Next question that comes to mind is what would i shoot.. I am surrounded by buildings and roads and traffic all around me.. May be I will look at Photography thread for some direction.. Thanx ;)

@Tanuj :- Sports club just for 15 days :S Though I had been wanting to learn tennis from long time..:ashamed:
^^ you are pretty much in a similar situation like mine .I had a complete month at my disposal ,but I spent almost 1-2 weeks at my native place, and now Ive got like 15 days left before college starts. I keep planning what to do and what not to :P

Keep my self occupied at home with music,movies,Photoshop,burning dvds for backup,installing Windows 7(plan to)..and total re-assembling of my Rig. :)
Also plan to try out some other OS like Mandriva Linux and OS X (iPC) .

Other than that I go for swimming and jogging or the gym for some light exercises(need to loose the few extra pounds i gained during the exam+study leave period:ashamed:).
Rest time is spent in meeting old friends and hanging out.
By the way try jogging with some fast paced or your favourite music playing ,it helps loose weight and also makes you feel good.

Hope it helps .. dont think too much ,Just do what you enjoy doing. :ohyeah:
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