My Exams, Interviews and stuff got over yesterday & I have some 10-12 days to burn.. Initially when I was busy I was dying to watch movies, series and stuff and now that I am free, I find it boring. So I intend to use this time wisely rather than getting bored and sleeping it off. Even Wimbledon is a week away and India out of WC so nothing on TV either.
Thought of reading some books but reading books whole day :S and hobbies - honestly don't remember any hobbies since I started my engineering :no:
I am total n00b in case of Web Desgining / Photoshop (Never tried) though I would love to learn it. I know Google has millions of repositories for this need. But a planned approach would be useful.
Anyways this Photoshopping, Designing etc just came to my mind so posted that. I don't enjoy much of Coding so don't intend to learn languages. Besides my career now on, would be in the field of management.
Any other thought provocative & compelling ideas are welcomed.
My Exams, Interviews and stuff got over yesterday & I have some 10-12 days to burn.. Initially when I was busy I was dying to watch movies, series and stuff and now that I am free, I find it boring. So I intend to use this time wisely rather than getting bored and sleeping it off. Even Wimbledon is a week away and India out of WC so nothing on TV either.
Thought of reading some books but reading books whole day :S and hobbies - honestly don't remember any hobbies since I started my engineering :no:
I am total n00b in case of Web Desgining / Photoshop (Never tried) though I would love to learn it. I know Google has millions of repositories for this need. But a planned approach would be useful.
Anyways this Photoshopping, Designing etc just came to my mind so posted that. I don't enjoy much of Coding so don't intend to learn languages. Besides my career now on, would be in the field of management.
Any other thought provocative & compelling ideas are welcomed.