Super Flu that could wipe out half of the populaion

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A Dutch researcher has created a virus with the potential to kill half of the planet’s population. Now, researchers and experts in bioterrorism debate whether it is a good idea to publish the virus creation â€recipeâ€. However, several voices argue that such research should have not happened in the first place.

The virus is a strain of avian influenza H5N1 genetically modified to be extremely contagious. It was created by researcher Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands. The work was first presented at a conference dedicated to influenza, that took place in September in Malta.

Avian influenza emerged in Asia about 10 years ago. Since then there were fewer than 600 infection cases reported in humans. On the other hand, Fouchier’s genetically modified strain is extremely contagious and dangerous, killing about 50% of infected patients. The former strain did not represent a global threat, as transmission from human to human is rare. Or, at least, it was before Fouchier genetically modified it.

Fouchier and his team used a pair of ferrets for testing because they react in similar ways as humans, when exposed to the flu virus. Researchers transmitted the deadly virus from one ferret to another, in order to make the virus more adaptable to a new host. After 10 generations, the virus has mutated allowing it to spread through air. The result was that ferrets could get sick just being near another infected animal.

A genetic study showed that new virus strain presented five mutations, and all could be also observed in nature - but only separately, not all five combined. Fouchier’s strain is as contagious as seasonal human influenza, which kills tens of thousands of people, just that, much more lethal.

“I can not think of a pathogenic organism to be more dangerous than this oneâ€, commented Paul Keim, a specialist in microbial genetics who worked for many years with the anthrax bacillus. “I think the anthrax is not at all scary, when compared with this virus†, he added.

Keim is the coordinator of the U.S. National Committee dedicated to biosecurity issues and now he has to make a decision. If Fouchier wants to publish his study detailing how the virus was created, Keim’s and his committee must approve.

Many scientists are concerned about possible negative consequences that could precede the publication of this research. There are many fears regarding bioterrorists that might find useful tips or a whole ’recipe’ to plan biological attacks. Demands are beeing made for the establishment of an international institution to oversee such dangerous research projects.

“It’s just a bad idea for scientists to turn a lethal virus into a lethal and highly contagious virus. And it’s a second bad idea for them to publish how they did it so others can copy it,†believes Dr. Thomas Inglesby, a bioterrorism expert

On the other hand, if the study becomes available for the scientific community, it could allow researchers to â€be prepared†for a potential H5N1 pandemic. Since Fouchier’s study suggests that the risk for this to occur is greater than previously thought. Some researchers believe that banning the paper will leave mankind helpless if the virus naturally mutates and becomes contagious.

One small doubt.

Suppose half the population gets extinct than...................................



will price of property fall in Mumbai?

If i happen to get that virus, the foremost thing that i will go is to inject it in that moron's body :-[

Damn...while people are arrange peace summit and various such events and meets for peace, that bastard is preparing some virus to wipe the planets population.

Why do such person exits, he could have used his knowledge and resource for something beneficial for the mankind....Alas...:-[

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@MAGNeT, LOL :lol:

Do you think that half-the-population means selective half....that will be like a portion of hairy head shaved off :ohyeah:
Seems like he got the idea from Rainbow Six. Guess he should know what happens to the creators in the end.....

On the whole, its a mized bag, with both pros and cons. As long as the recipe is not shared with many should be OK, IMO
Someone should kill him and his research off before this gets any further.

Very harsh words but I think nuclear threats are bad enough for the entire world. Just stop and think what would happen to India if one person was injected with this in the Dharavi slums in Mumbai.
@vivek, can you point out any pros in this virus :|

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RD274 said:
Just stop and think what would happen to India if one person was injected with this in the Dharavi slums in Mumbai.

the the remaining half of the planet pollution will read about us in their history classes :P
CA50 said:
@vivek, can you point out any pros in this virus :|

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the the remaining half of the planet pollution will read about us in their history classes :P

On the other hand, if the study becomes available for the scientific community, it could allow researchers to ”be prepared” for a potential H5N1 pandemic. Since Fouchier’s study suggests that the risk for this to occur is greater than previously thought. Some researchers believe that banning the paper will leave mankind helpless if the virus naturally mutates and becomes contagious.

But yeah, i know it is a slim one.
Sounds terrific, but here in Kerala people are under even bigger threat of a failing dam with estimated loss of 20million + lives :( Such disasters can't be fought, while those scientist people are into developing viruses which can wipe out half of human race. What is this world upto ?
dOm1naTOr said:
Sounds terrific, but here in Kerala people are under even bigger threat of a failing dam with estimated loss of 20million + lives :( Such disasters can't be fought, while those scientist people are into developing viruses which can wipe out half of human race. What is this world upto ?

2012 ? :P xD
dOm1naTOr said:
Sounds terrific, but here in Kerala people are under even bigger threat of a failing dam with estimated loss of 20million + lives :( Such disasters can't be fought, while those scientist people are into developing viruses which can wipe out half of human race. What is this world upto ?

Which dam? I doubt scientists could be of much use there...

And what about the cashew plantation spraying issue? Bayer chemicals right?
vivek.krishnan said:
Which dam? I doubt scientists could be of much use there...

And what about the cashew plantation spraying issue? Bayer chemicals right?

this one: link link 2

mine as well as 2 neighboring districts falls under "downstream" area of the dam + 4 downstream dams. More than 100 TE members counts in it as well.
Then I guess its a chance to start over again for the lucky half :P

With half population gone, mankind can last double the time it is currently intended to ( ;) demonic thought) which is good.
Could have invested his time and effort in antibodies to fight the avian influenza :no: so much for science
Securing the research would probably cost more than the research itself.
in b4 US feels threatened and does the same
malhotraraul said:
Since Fouchier’s study suggests that the risk for this to occur is greater than previously thought. Some researchers believe that banning the paper will leave mankind helpless if the virus naturally mutates and becomes contagious.

This is the pro of this study. Scientists, governments already knew how deadly Avian Flu was, but they were not too worried about it because it wasnt contagious. Now, this study has shown that it is pretty easy for it to become contagious naturally or artificially. What would banning and covering up this research accomplish? Will it stop the virus from becoming contagious naturally? No. Only thing that can be done is to use this study and try and come with something to fight this virus if/when this happens.
I agree with pretttt. This research sounds so science-fiction-ishly evil that people are condemning it without considering its benefits. ;) :P
The virus should be destroyed imo, no samples should be kept for further research. Even a slight exposure to air and boom

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