Super Flu that could wipe out half of the populaion

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Be it failing damns or a killer virus, Earth is going to have a "hard reboot" one way or the other if people keep up with their stupidity.
Lets just stick to the hope that, we will age and die... Other things are just news... I've been reading this all, ever since i knew i could understand what i read! So, cheers to life... :angel1:
Or this research could be backed by companies so that in the long run they will get fundings to develop vaccine... Then they will sell those vaccines at much higher rates :D
How about we inject politicians to see if it really works? They are pretty thick skinned! We might even get an anti dote from them if they develop resistance to it! They are usually immune to all our problems and abuses I am sure they might develop anti dotes within themselves for this flu.
This is what rajnikant have to say about this virus.

If this is gonna vanish half of the population ,I will better use it as Listerine

Damn the germs got my genes too .

Just created after reading the story.......
Sei said:
Be it failing damns or a killer virus, Earth is going to have a "hard reboot" one way or the other if people keep up with their stupidity.

Ya, its time for Earth to RESET herself and get rid of pest nuisance (HUMANS), at least until we again spawn back :)
Viruses, especially the one he is working on mutate at a horrific pace in nature. By speeding up that process in the lab, scientists will be able to prepare a vaccince for it before it can appear in nature.
If it helps create a vaccine then I am all for it. After all he is not releasing it into natural environment. Now that would be scary!
MAGNeT said:
One small doubt.

Suppose half the population gets extinct than...................................



will price of property fall in Mumbai?


because more land requires for Burial of Dead population :(

China would like to theft it & award to Pakistan ...
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