PC Peripherals Super-Pi scores low on new rig...why....

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I am getting 47 seconds on the newly acquired winchester 3200+ on Asus-A8V deluxe at stock speeds....

Tried Ocing it to 210X10 (PSU starts dropping voltage like mad at anythng beyond this ) and got it down to 45 :'(

I thought a Winnie 3200 coupled with 400mhz RAM should gimme around 40 at stock (at least that's what it seems from some reviews)

BTW I can get only 1 of my Hynix 512 MB stick running at 400mhz (Dual channel doesn't seem to be working...both sticks were bought at different times, different places)

However, I spoke to freaky and his opinion is that the speed (and not the qty) of the RAM will be the determining factor (And that makes sense too)

Why shuld this be happening :(

BTW 3dmark05 gave me 3540 on stock (both CPU and the 6800nu)...not sure if this is OK or bad./...

from: http://www.techenclave.com/forums/the-upgrade-story-continues-64905-2.html

Back @ Home after a nice productive day at work.....

Time for a hot (In chennai ???) bath, quick nightcap, a good read while preparing to hit the sack.....

Sounds good....Doesn't it?

Noooo my dearies!!!

When you make a grand entry back in geekland, such niceties cease to exist....

What happend instead is this ...

You reach back home after a deadlines packed killer of a day....

Don't you change, don't you freshen up, just kick-off the shoes and ......

You reach out for a DMM, Screwdrivers (not the cocktail, mind you!), , blank CDs and not to forget a closely intertwined bunch of cables and spend the next half an hour trying to extricate the much needed right one....

Aaahh...there it comes, the IDE-USB cable is finally pried free from the innards of the hell-tangle web of what looked liked, umm, for lack of a better term, pepperoni before being processed :ugh:

So i fire up the notebook, hook the cable, connect the HDD and finally manage to get access to the much needed xp iso....Yessss....time to burn the roads (ugh...no, the CD stupid)

(Thanks for the gracious offer for the MCE Saiyan , you are an angel!! )

Now I have four free minutes till the etched CD comes out.....Being the foresighted man I am , I had put lotsa water in the freezer so finally no shortage of ice for tonight...

so I quickly pour out a generous helping of Romanov (No Smirnoff in Chennai , lest we innocents get corrupted by the influence of the MNC liquor peddlers) add a dollop of ice, some curacao, soda and all set

But before I happily settle down on the couch to enjoy the fruits of my labor, out pops the CD from the drive, thanks to Alcohol auto-eject (Alcohol- 120% , the s/w; to clear out any ambiguities )

2 quick gulps, and we are set to roll....So I fire up the new PC, set the boot order to CD, and start the clean installation (I keep all my data outside the windows partition so no back-ups needed form the HDD yayayay..Sometimes, my own foresightedness amazes me )

Suddenly, as super nerdy voice inside asks me..."Dude, you haven't even tried to check the OC worthiness of the machine?and you already isntalling the world domination tool from Gates incorporated?"

well...sorry to break the chronological continuity, but the first thing I did after reaching home was to check the rail voltages (rem' the DMM) and the 12v line was already dropping below 12 even during POST ...I'd be lucky to get this machine booting into windows at stock, forget OCing till I get a new PSU (hopefully tonight)

Anyway, Windows install is underway and I guess a little overindulgence from my side can be forgiven just for today, so I pour out another swig to soothe my already frayed nerves

11:00 PM- Win XP Install done, Drivers installed, Net connectivity set, Wireless network up, updated the BiOS with the latest one....

CPU Temp - 39C...good...Time to run some benchies at Stock

What else to start with but Super Pi....

so I fire Super Pi, set it to 1M...

WTH 47 secs :@
47 secs seems ok.

Any other apps hogging CPU time in the background? Super PI is also quite sensitive to memory timings/speeds - another factor to keep in mind. Which version of Super PI are you running?

EDIT: I just did a quick run and clocked in about 47.125 secs on my 3000+ at stock speeds. Considering its about a 200Mhz difference I guess there should be a diff of about 2 secs.
It is ver 1.1
47 was just after restart...Nothing big running in the background except AVG...
This time, i got 48 secs :'( with AVG, BT and asus-probe running
CPU-Z scrshots and Super Pi scrshots attached
the memory is running on 400 mhz as expected
I have an identical setup like Superczar (A8Vdlx, Winnie 3200+) with 512x2 Corsair Value Select RAM. I got 42 seconds in Super Pi 1 million with everything running at stock and with AVG and Asus Probe running in the back ground.

I'll post screenshots in the evening!

Edit: My Ram is running at 2.5-3-3-6 - Dual Channel, 1T. Your timings seems to be too loose. Try CAS=2.5. Have you disabled 2T is Bios?
I think you got the low score because of the loose timing in your Ram. Run the Superpi with no programs running in the background. Download the super PI/Mod1.4 and run your test.
512x2 Corsair Value Select RAM

@countdown.Are they runing in dual channel mode?

@Saiyan- The memory timings do seem to be loose...Let me try playing arnd with the timings in the evening and post back
I got 47 secs on my rig with 2x256 ddr266 ram

I got 47 with single 512 ddr 400 :'( after a fresh boot

Okie, my existing 512 sticks don't seem to been liking each other...They refuse to run in dual channel mode....

I am planning to pick up another 512 stick today

I am a RAM n00b so need some help

The existing stick says:

Hynix PC400 CCS51

It is singlesided with 8 Hynix chips

which say :

Hynix 446A


what do i need to look for to ensure that the new stick runs fine in Dual channel with the existing one?

BTW The second stick seems to have some issue...The mobo refuses to POST with that stick even in single channel mode....

My old gigabyte (Socket A) 7VM333 mobo used to run fine with it (but that was perhaps coz that mobo used to run on a 167X2 FSB) with the stick running on DDR 333
check the spd values of your hynix ram's using cpuz, see under the spd tab, for slot 1 & 2, they must be different for them not to run in dual mode.

also, in that case it is essential that the new hynix you buy be identical to the one you would keep.
AM @ office so can't post the SPD values

BTW when you say identical, des this mean that the labels on the chips also needs to be the same?
superczar said:
AM @ office so can't post the SPD values

BTW when you say identical, des this mean that the labels on the chips also needs to be the same?

no not needed

it must have same timings and singlesided
I'll ensure the new RAM is SS and same make


Plz Forgive my n00b questions but just in case, if the default timings don't turn out to be identical, can i force the same timings through the BIOS?
Plz Forgive my n00b questions but just in case, if the default timings don't turn out to be identical, can i force the same timings through the BIOS?

Same label not req, as for same spd's or default timing's not being identical. it works sometimes but not always, so while buying make sure you tell the dealer that you might bring it back if dual does not work.

or another option give both your hynix back & get a new set if it's possible.

p.s - by knowing the spd, you could have kept the ram with better timings & got the other one exchanged. so do have a look at your spd.
here are the timings from my CPU-Z scrshot that i pasted last night
Cas latency- 3 cl
RAS-CAS delay- 3 cl
RAS precharge- 3 cl
Cycle time: 8cl
Bank cycle time: 11 cl
DRAM idle timer: 16cl

does this help:ashamed:
he might as well give back the stick thats giving him trouble in single channel mode.

Anyway, how important is it to operate at 1t mode? I got a pair of hynix d43s on my asus k8n, and i cant operate it at 1t mode at 400mhz even when the timings are at spd (3,4,4,8 for the higher one). Ie i am chenging the timings through a64 tweaker, windows continues to run, but games quit and memtest gives errors. At 2t mode, however, i can apparently take it up to 2.5,3,3,5 (maybe even more for the last few digits).

Is this alright?
1T does give quite a big performance boost. But then you have to find a trade off between 1T and 2T and latencies.

If 1T is just not stable, then forget it and keep it at 2T and try making up for that by pushing the speed and reducing the latencies.
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