PC Peripherals Super-Pi scores low on new rig...why....

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@superczar, nope, we need individual spd's of both rams that way we can find the culprit & tell you to exchange that.

@greasemonk, Cr & Cas are two values which have most impact on your system performance. So, 1T is what you must always aim for along with lower cas latency. see my sig, i'm running my hynix at spd of 3,3,3,8 @ 1T @ 236 mhz. go through your values again, you should be able to do 3,4,4,8 @ 1T @ 200 mhz easily & do it from your bios not a64 tweaker.
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GM has a Socket 754 mobo. And maybe the mobo itself is the limiting factor and is not allowing him to push his RAM at 1T
I picked up a 512 DDR 400 SS hynix stick for 1900 y'day

:hap2: and it indeed seems to be fully compatible with my existing 2nd hynix

CPU-z scrshots attached....

The 1st stick is gonna go duty in the old rig now....

super-pi is down to 44 now...still higher than what i'd expect, but definitely a big improvement :hap2:

(perhaps due to the loose timings)

Guys, plz post back what u think of 44 secs, and the current RAM timings

BTW all i need is a new psu now
Try 2.5-3-3-7 @ 200 MHz or 2.5-3-3-6 @ 200 MHz. Then slowly start pushing the frequency higher at 3-3-3-8 and see how far this thing goes. Am assuming that since its SS, it might clock well.

EDIT : Switch beat me to it... Yep. 1T is a must.
superczar, all is fine, make sure your ram is running@1T.

44 sec is fine, countdown's score of 42 sec is because of lower cas 2.5, so your 44 secs seems ok for me.

edit - freaky, switch beat me to it. & lower timings(2.5,3,3,7@1T) might not work with hynix :(
Hmmm... Thx for the info Switch. Seems that Hynix Chips don't like any kinda tinkering with the timings. Try 2.5-3-3-7 @ 1T. If it does not work, go back to 3-3-3-8 and start pushing the clocks higher. But run it at 1T !!
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