Review Superczar pulled back from a committed deal. How do I give a negative rating?

TE marketplace allows both seller and buyer to walkaway from a deal. Negative rating for cancelling a deal is a bit harsh. Are you sure you want to set that precedent on TE marketplace? That goes both ways, so a seller may (and can) leave negative feedback for you, if you were the buyer and were to back out. :)
TE marketplace allows both seller and buyer to walkaway from a deal. Negative rating for cancelling a deal is a bit harsh. Are you sure you want to set that precedent on TE marketplace? That goes both ways, so a seller may (and can) leave negative feedback for you, if you were the buyer and were to back out. :)
Happened with me on my very first deal on TE. I was unhappy but all I wanted was an acknowledgement from the seller's part that he shouldn't have backed out without a valid reason. Or at the very least, a text that the item was being sold to somebody else when I was waiting for it. Didn't happen. But I never wanted to leave a negative feedback for him. There was just no reason to do that.

In this case, the seller has acknowledged the lapse from his end. He even apologised directly. I don't think he should be subjected to whatever he is being to through the existence of this thread. The negative feedbacks are there for serious offences like frauds and scams.

The matter of fact is that nobody owes anybody anything here. There is no legal contract. That's putting it in harsh words but factually speaking, nothing beyond the moral compass stops a seller from backing out or committing to a scam.

As for the OP, I'm sorry for what your father is going through. But the seller is in no way responsible for that. If you needed a fitness tracker urgently, you should've gone with the Amazon one without any delays. In fact, you should purchase that watch immediately as that 5k means nothing when your father's health is at stake.
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Lmao. In a just world it does warrant a negative feedback, because keeping your word is the covenant which reflects on one's personality.
But it's the opposite of a just world. So these things are considered normal nowadays. The non committal on these farcical grounds is both hilarious and disgusting.
Been there, several times, even after payment seller backed off citing childish and fake reasons. since a while I expect every human to not keep his words, and when they actually do, I'm pleasantly surprised. You should also do the same, change your expectations.
Its funny how you guys dismiss it by saying its ok he's apologised but are so sensitive about a negative rating :)

Its funny how you give wordly advice but are yet so sensitive about a negative rating :)

Its just a rating innit?

I rest my case. Nevermind.
Its funny how you guys dismiss it by saying its ok he's apologised but are so sensitive about a negative rating :)

Its funny how you give wordly advice but are yet so sensitive about a negative rating :)

Its just a rating innit?

I rest my case. Nevermind.
If it's just a rating, then you shouldn't have made a whole thread about it, complete with WhatsApp screenshots, and complaining that the site (rightfully) doesn't allow you to leave an unjustified negative rating.

You're calling out others for being sensitive to a negative rating, yet you're being overly sensitive because you're unable to leave a negative rating. That's funnier.

You're a senior member, yet you're behaving extremely childishly. Let it go.

You haven't been scammed, the seller apologized, and there is no rule that one isn't allowed to walk away from a deal, yet you are making it a bigger deal than it actually is.

Like @rootyme has mentioned, pay the 5K extra and get the watch, nothing is worth more than your father's health.
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You should understand that negative ratings are only for when someone disappears with the product without giving payment or disappears with the payment without giving the product.
This seems to be a common sentiment in this thread - perhaps it's because I'm relatively new here, but isn't it usually the case that fraudulent behaviour like that would be grounds for an immediate ban rather than a bad review? I'm not saying that this specific incident merits a negative rating, but it seems odd to me that there's no point between "good experience" and "fraud" that would merit a negative rating.
I oversimplified there, but negative rating would also apply in the case of the seller misrepresenting some aspect of the product, like not disclosing that a motherboard has been repaired.

In that case, even if he offers a partial refund, the buyer would be expected to leave to a negative rating for the seller.

Same with shipping damage where the seller assumes all risk. If it was poorly packaged, the buyer will leave a negative rating with or without a partial refund.

Only a full refund would avoid the negative rating.
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@Ragin_Ice On a different note, get a Garmin watch for your father. They are built like tanks. I fell when cycling within community premises. I fell hard on concrete flooring and that too on my watch; Surprisingly, the watch survived, but bones did not. ;) The impact was so bad that I had to get metal plates fitted in my left hand. TL;DR, get a watch that will survive fall/crash and to my knowledge, Apple devices, aren't known for their survivability in such situations.
@Ragin_Ice On a different note, get a Garmin watch for your father. They are built like tanks. I fell when cycling within community premises. I fell hard on concrete flooring and that too on my watch; Surprisingly, the watch survived, but bones did not. ;) The impact was so bad that I had to get metal plates fitted in my left hand. TL;DR, get a watch that will survive fall/crash and to my knowledge, Apple devices, aren't known for their survivability in such situations.
I think he was referring to the fall detection and alert feature -
I oversimplified there, but negative rating would also apply in the case of the seller misrepresenting some aspect of the product, like not disclosing that a motherboard has been repaired.

In that case, even if he offers a partial refund, the buyer would be expected to leave to a negative rating for the seller.

Same with shipping damage where the seller assumes all risk. If it was poorly packaged, the buyer will leave a negative rating with or without a partial refund.

Only a full refund would avoid the negative rating.
Ah, OK, that makes sense. I've been wondering for a while since I don't think I've ever actually seen a seller with a negative rating - this clears it up, thanks.
Look, at least the guy was honest with you. What if he said the watch got broken by his kids, or got stolen on the way to work, or his dog ate it? Would you still give him a negative review for things beyond his control? If you can prove bad faith on his part (eg relisting for sale at higher price elsewhere) then that's different.

I know at least one time I had put a pair of iems on sale and wore them to my office to test them out, and my boss stole them. The cheeky bastid then proceeded to wear it in front of me every day and when I confronted him, gave me 500 rs and told me to F off. Those iems were 1.5k new and I was selling them for 800-900. Boy am I glad the buyer was cool with it. A negative rating on top of being scammed out of nearly 500 bucks would have been fate screwing me from both ends!
Once I did a market transaction in Erodov for Corsair H60 cooler and I did what Mr.John has said about shipping in Fedex but they went to him damaged and he said that he will keep the parcel as well as I should pay him what he paid to me. Then he banned me 3 times by telling lies to Vijay of the forum who was the Super MOD. John was the market section MOD.
But here the buyer just backed out of the deal by not committing any fraud. Negative feedback is for those who commits fraud. They will eventually be blacklisted by the forum in the end.
Yes, some inconvinience was caused here by the buyer but the seller has to bear with it and say it happens some times to the best of us and move on.
Best of luck on your sale OP.
Hey @Ragin_Ice
I guess I missed this thread ( probably because untagged?) till a TE friend pointed this out.

Just thought I should post my POV as well.

1) I'd like to believe that we were all acting in good faith as is expected on forum deals - Another Snippet from our convo below should illustrate that

2) As I mentioned earlier as well, I apologized to you genuinely because I did feel sorry that you missed a 32K to 27K drop - but thats still a very different product and price segment (2x) than what we were discussing

3) Let me try and flip the situation a bit here considering this involves comparison with an online deal

In this case, We could have concluded the transaction even before the subsequent events - but you preferred a local pickup so that added some delay
And let's say that the new price for the 27K model dropped down instead of rising in the intervening period...

Now I can't recall what the final price we agreed on was (14K?) but I think it would be reasonably fair to assume you would have likely snagged the now lower online price.
In such an event, should I have a grudge against you for an opportunity loss cost for not having closed this deal with someone else because of the pre-existing discussion with you?


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