Surviving BSODs: codes explained


Also known as the BSoD, the Blue Screen of Death appears when Windows crashes or locks up. It’s actually a Windows “stop†screen, and is designed to do two things: tell you the reason for the error, and to calm your nerves, hence the use of the color blue (studies show it has a relaxing effect on people). Though Blue Screens are difficult to decipher, all the information you need to figure out what caused it is right there in front of you in blue and white—and that’s where we come in. We’re going to show you how to dissect the blue screen error details, so you can fix the problem that’s causing them

Blue Screen of Death Survival Guide: Every Error Explained - Page 1 | Maximum PC
thanx for the link... a much needed article...

but the BSOD which I'm getting isn't mentioned there..

I'm getting the error as "Memory Management" in the BSOD..
SidhuPunjab said:
Thanks, gr8 find. Only faced BSODs in vista, due to TCP/IP max half open connection limit.

BSOD because of half open connections limit?!! btw, i think the default limit in xp is 25 and it has been increased to 100 in vista.