Surviving in Shanghai,, help, advice ?

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As many of you know (from my previous threads|), i am finally traveling to Shanghai, China in a couple of weeks. So now i need help of anyone who has been there and can let me know any information that may be helpful.
First thing i have found people tell me is that language is a big big issue. Hence i am now making a list of commonly used phrases and using google translator to translate the same in Chinese :ohyeah:
Other thing is i am a pure veggie....may be a big problem as the Chinese eat any thing and everything under the sun :rofl:

Any other information in the form of websites, tips, advice, personal experience, anything that you guys would like to add
raksrules said:
Other thing is i am a pure veggie....may be a big problem as the Chinese eat any thing and everything under the sun :rofl:

That's indeed a problem even for non-vegies with restricted palette for meat. Though I do not have any personal experience, I was always fascinated by the Chinese and south east-Asian cultures and food and have watched numerous documentaries and programs on youtube extensively. From what I have seen, they do not have a pure veg kind of concept when it comes to food. Even dishes you expect to be pure veg like veg fried rice, noodles and other vegetable based dishes almost always have some kind of pork/fish sauce added in them. In fact I have watched a number of videos of street food preparation and almost every thing they make has a non-veg ingredient in it be it chicken/pork stock or some kind of non-veg sauce.

So take care what you eat even if its supposed to be a veg dish. ;)

Places like Malaysia are somewhat better in that there's a lot of south Indian influence there and you can find a lot of Indian food being served there. Four of my M.Tech batch mate's got jobs in Malaysia during campus placements and they are doing fine there, but another fellow (A fellow south Indian and a hard core non-veggie) who landed a job in a robotics company in Malay could not handle the food available in his area and when came back for a short visit, he resigned and never went back. :rofl:.

There was another classmate who was working with Huwei and had to go to china some time back for a year long trip. He was also apprehensive about it as he was also a pure veg like you, but I haven't heard form him since.
Lord Nemesis said:
There was another classmate who was working with Huwei and had to go to china some time back for a year long trip. He was also apprehensive about it as he was also a pure veg like you, but I haven't heard form him since.

OMG they ate him!
If the food moves, dont eat it :P.

On a serious note, try to get a hold of a book called lonely planet- China. It should have some important tips.
I just checked a few airlines website and found that apart from the cabin baggage we can only carry one more bag that too of only 20 Kg :@
All plans of taking lots of stuff dashed :no:
I mean we can take 2 bags each of 23 Kg to destinations like US/Canada/UK but not here. Now i am totally confused what all things to take except clothes :huh:

I was also planning to take a small pressure cooker :ohyeah: to cook food...damn cannot take all the stuff that i want to...just the basics :@
raksrules said:
First thing i have found people tell me is that language is a big big issue. Hence i am now making a list of commonly used phrases and using google translator to translate the same in Chinese :ohyeah:

There is no such language as Chinese, just like there is no language like Indian.

You will have to learn either Mandarin or Cantonese
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