Swift UI

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Everyone here knows that i am a badass programmer :p but i have never done anything remotely gui based. Many moons ago i got into casino game development like slots and blackjack and some asp.net(is it even a thing now?) which is the closest thing i got to human interaction using computers.The current thing i work at my company is related to developing cloud native storage exposed over nvme over fabrics.

Anyhow i got into a serious accident paragliding on independence day and had some time to introspect. So I started learning swiftui and started coding a paragliding app. Its been fun learning mapkit and mvvm design patterns and mostly how cool is mixing oops and procedural code.

I almost finished first part of the app which helps pilot plan the route and check airspaces and weather forecasts. Next step is to start developing widgets to analyze and show accelerometer, barometer data(core motion api)etc that you see in high end aviation equipment.

The name of the app is Tern. And i am dealing with App Store to get it approved. I am planning to release source on github if people are interested. I will keep posted when first version gets approved.

Get more info here.
Hey @booo,
Thanks for your response.
Sure, I can ask here.
As I will have to wait for approval for each comment, I thought DM would be better.
I wanted to know about your casino game development experience.
Hey @booo,
Thanks for your response.
Sure, I can ask here.
As I will have to wait for approval for each comment, I thought DM would be better.
I wanted to know about your casino game development experience.
That was more than a decade ago… was working for sierra Atlantic (now hitachi) for a client called BossMedia in sweden. Developed some slot games, fixed bugs in slot engine and worked on a blackjack 777s engine. It was mostly windows, c++ with visual studio and windbg stuff. Oh! Also created an apng engine. As in encoding animated png as avi files with apng as video stream so that audio and video streams are in sync. Anyhow… game development is kinda boring because while testing you play the same section of game over and over again lol. As of now, I don’t have any interest in windows anymore. Also, i am more of a linux systems guy.

You can read about boss media here: https://wizardofodds.com/online-gambling/boss-media/

Anyone dealt with submissions at app store? Mine is not getting approved and they won’t tell me what’s wrong. It’s irritating :banghead:
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I started making noise with appstore guys and they replied like this. Not really happy with their transparency.
First they said it was some kind of performance and hidden activity then they reversed it and approved. Total bollywood drama…
Anyhow, the approved it ahd here it is: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tern-paragliding/id1661759647

Next plan is to start training core ml on core motion sensors for ai flight deck for paragliding. Which will show current data and make ai based suggestions. Gotta learn a lot on machine learning
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