rahulyo said:Everything is at stock.No OC.
Temp : - 30 @ Idle ,48-50 @ Load
No A/C,FAN in my room.asingh said:Are you in an A/C room..?
I try different SATA cables and ports ,but no effect.kippu said:change your harddisk sata cables and power cable ,
it could also be your harddisk going bad , keep the cabinet open and see if you hear any sound when that freeze happens
Temp : - 30 @ Idle ,48-50 @ Load
I use Cooler Master OEM CPU cooler bought from my friend.asingh said:^^ + Zloyd:
How can his CPU be running / idling at room temperature with standard HSF....?
So it is highly probably, that his CPU is throttling.
I run Memtest no problem found .memnom said:^^ What he said.
If the components are not OC'd then there is no need to worry about the heat being the problem unless u are a complete noob who forgot to apply the TIM, which u dont seem to be. So the two components which are most likely to be at falult in a default state are RAM and HDD. So check the RAM and HDD
If this problem is occuring for 20 days, what happened before that? a thunderstorm ? a stong surge? or something u installed? anyway check these two. and report back.
I use TPower2 software for monitor Temperature .asingh said:I know I sound like a broken record. How you measuring those temperatures. 30C is way to low. What is the ambient in your room.