TE Collectibles - Sticker Set

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One for my Brand New Sparkling Car K10
Would love to have one for my mac 2
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I will put one on my bag that goes everywhere with me.

One for my RIG's service ribbons.

Final one might gift it to a fellow friend / acquaintance so that the word passes on.
One for me please. Will go on Car, DSLR and Laptop.
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If you have posted in this thread AND you have sent me a PM with your mailing address AND I have left that PM conversation THEN it means your sticker package is ready to go out.

Oh BTW some of the sticker packages will have two free sets instead of one. I don't know which ones as I will put address on them randomly so lets see who the lucky members are. :D[DOUBLEPOST=1403194659][/DOUBLEPOST]Those who have posted in this thread need to give me their address too. So far I have it from 12 people only (counting Vagabond and raks to whom I can deliver by hand).
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One on the entrance of my house. Other on the laptop, joining the other stickers there. Finally, one on the N13 router.
One on my college's main gate, one on my society's main gate and one for myself on mobile back. I'll promote TE :D
3 more sets to go. I still see people have replied in this thread but not sent me their address. Please do so today.
One on my office desk to promote TE and also to remind me of the times TE has provided me with relaxation during those awful grueling peak work times.
One on my HDD and one on my bike (which I will buy after I pass my exam)
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