TE Highest Speed Thread

Interesting to note the distance to SG even for the same ISPs in different states. Bombay for example has lesser distance and delay than Delhi... amazing innit!
hmm not that good...but still works surfing and small downloads


cant change ISP due to the advantage of DC ++ on LAN ..so i dont need to download much from net all i need is available on LAN .hhe heh ..that too at download speeds of 3-5 mbps...
Here's mine

Airtel 512k UL Connection. This connection is shared through WiFi with my room partner and he was using it when the test was run.

these are the actual download speeds i get .... the flashget one :eek:hyeah: :bleh: .....speedtest shows 1800+kbps connection download , will post that wen i get home

EDIT : here it is ...btw its a NU pack , and i pay 800bucks for it :D
IMO I don't think the Singapore server is a fair test for us people here in USA :(

2589 kb/s at 8500 mi and 433ms is not a good judge when I am getting speeds of 15,589 kb/s here in the US with 70ms and 100mi. Just a thought... but I guess that there is no place that is fair for everyone :)
my speeds :( :S


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