A Anish Forerunner Dec 20, 2005 #21 Well that's an AWESOME song ! Amazing tune and great guitaring... If not for the profane (but enjoyable) language, it would have been a superb song...
Well that's an AWESOME song ! Amazing tune and great guitaring... If not for the profane (but enjoyable) language, it would have been a superb song...
zhopudey Galvanizer Dec 20, 2005 #22 Just heard it. Amazing song!!!....Where can I get the other song??
S sunnydiv Contributor Dec 21, 2005 #24 man GMD ROX if sutta is western style then, GMD is all indian rotfl na bans ki bansi, na sonay ka sariya, gmd day
man GMD ROX if sutta is western style then, GMD is all indian rotfl na bans ki bansi, na sonay ka sariya, gmd day
P Params7 Forerunner Dec 21, 2005 #25 wow, never thought the songs that famous, lot of my friends talked about this in school.