Teacher's Day Special -awkward memories

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Plz do share some awkward memories related with your teacher's on occasion of teacher's day...lets' celebrate it together :X

My Awkward moment. .

Recently one of my teacher who taught me C.sc on class 4-5 came to my store...i remember his face but didn't able to recall his name..

don't know why the shit in my brain it is ringing that the person is driver in the same school, after he bought the shoe.. i told him.. i studied in the same school blah.. blah.. this batch...

and then i asked...so..now which bus ur driving... :O.. and then bang!!!!! he revealed that he is not bus driver he is teacher in same school... and then damm my brain recalled his name.. i was totally pissed off at that moment :scared14::scared14:

apologized sir about the situation :hail:.. and he was too good that he forgive me... but this accident now seems to be printed on memory for life :(
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